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The Mercy of the King

1.Be not deceived,
For whatsoever man sows, he will reap.
Our God is not mocked.
If you could look past all your pride,
And look into His eyes,
But you will not.

Like sheep without a shepherd,
You wander through hillsides,
You’re searching hard for answers,
Yet the truth you still deny.

How He longs to hold you close,
How He longs to give you life.
To gather you into His arms,
To wipe the tears far from your eyes.

2. You won’t believe.
The simplicity of God too hard too see.
You search, but learn not.
Ever learning with nothing to show,
Your victory’s not known.
In this pointless war you’ve fought.

You won’t come to the knowledge,
Of a resurrected King,
You stand there on the sidelines,
And pass away eternity.


And I pray that you can see,
This change He’s done in me,
How He longs to set you free,
If you only would believe.

3. Be not deceived,
By worldly ways or vain philosophies,
Don’t listen to their lies.
If you would look to Christ today,
Call upon Him and be saved,
And receive eternal life.

You think you’ll find the answers,
Through these ever-fading things,
But turn your eyes to Jesus Christ,
Receive the mercy of the King.
