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The Signs of the Times

Some day, in the eastern sky
Soon, we will see the Son of God Return.
And though, we’re nearing every day,
The end you say, we still cannot discern.

For they are coming in His name,
Decieving those, who do not love the truth.
And we hear wars are on the way,
But still you say, this matters not to you.

How can you, read the weather,
And not see the signs of the times.

Nations rising against nations,
And we see the famines and earthquakes.
And though these are the start of sorrows,
Still we know the Son is on the way.

And they will hate you and betray you,
Hated of all nations for His sake.
But he that to the end endures through all the hate,
We know that he’ll be saved.


And the Gospel of the Kingdom
Shall be preached before the end shall come.
A witness to all of the nations,
For a King we know his will be done.

But for the sake of the elect,
We can be sure, the days, they will be short.
For false prophets shall arise,
With all their lies, but He told us before.

Watch for you know not what hour
Our Lord appears, so please all be prepared.
So lets all be found as faithful servants
Who won’t be caught unaware.

Blessed is that servant who the Lord will find him doing,
Blessed is that servant who the Spirit is renewing.

Chorus X2