December 8th
Post Presentation Pub
& Private Jet to
Steve wanted most of his top-level employees to see the presentation TWICE
So, these new friends accompanied us to Liverpool after seeing the Bristol gig.
Simon, Claire, Me, Maggie, & Steve
at a Bristol Pub before heading to the airport.
Steve’s friend, Rob Wotton, is a
pilot for the incredibly wealthy owner
of an automobile sales company.
Because the owner hadn’t scheduled
a flight anywhere this night, Steve was
able to get Rob to fly us to Liverpool
in the company’s PRIVATE JET.
[Pic at right: The private aircraft area
of the Bristol airport.]
Off for a “SEEMINGLY INNOCENT” flight to Liverpool!
One of the pix Steve took while sitting at the co-pilot controls.
Can we say, “BE AFRAID!”??? I think we can! LOL
Upon arrival at Liverpool’s John Lennon Airport.
From the airport,
we took a taxi
to that night’s hotel,
the Sir Thomas .
Go to the NEXT PAGE: December 9th
Liverpool Presentation