D r e ' s P a g e s
*Welcome to my little dwelling in cyberspace*
May your mind be wide open/
May your heart beat strong
-James (the English band), in the song Waltzing Along
What to do while you're here:
(because my site is sooooo different from everyone else's personal website-- ha ha)
Browse through my humble collection of quotations
My links page
A few well-known poems of which I'm fond
I admit it. I'm a celebrity semi-junkie. Here's a list of a few favorites, with links.
My David Strathairn fan site
A tiny bit of info about me and ... [gasp] a picture!
Every 3.6 seconds, someone in the world dies of hunger.
75% of these people are children under the age of five.
Places I'd rather be (among many others)...