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My Family!

These are pictures of my family: My mom, dad, my brothers Michael, Benjamin, Jacob, and
Thaddaeus, and my sister-in-law, Renee`.

This is my family (winter 1998).

Hi Ben?..NO HAIR!

Family at Mike & Renee`'s wedding (summer 2000).

BenJamIn..he made this pic @ college...thats what he looks like hair...

Family (summer 2000).

This is Ben's senior picture (2000).

LOOK MIKE!...PICTURE TIME! Mike at home visiting! You Rock Brotha! (October 2001).

Mikey & Sissy (Renee`).

Grandma Immink gave us those unbrella hats, so, we wouldn't get sunburnt @ cornerstone....(she was just looking over us..)

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