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More About Me

Name: Esther Eva

Nicknames: Easter, Esta, Ace, Essey, Esty, Esser, Sqeevaeva, PookaBears, EstherPester, Esty, Estherito & MINK!

Birthday: May 5, 1986

Siblings: 4 brothers (Mike -23- Ben -21- Jacob -14- & Thaddaeus -10-)

In-laws: Sis-in-law Reneé -23-

Where was I born: Lincoln, Nebraska, at Saint Elizabeth

Favorite Movie: Simon Birch, Green Mile, Extreme Days, A Walk to Remember, Remember The Titans, Meet The Parents, JOE DIRT (rofl).

Music: anything Christian that is Rock, Hardcore, Ska, Emo, Punk Rawk, Techno, Rap, Worship

Bands/Groups/Artists: SQUAD 5-0, Kutless, 38th Parallel, Further Seems Forever, Shop11Phoenix, KJ-52, Skillet, Pillar, Joy Electric, Blindside, Grits, Skypark, The Elms, Delirious?, JarsOfClay, 12 Stones, Sanctus Real, Stretch Arm Strong, Newsboys, P.O.D., Michelle Branch, Project86, Big Tent Revival, Spoken, FFH, LA Symphony, Ginni Owens, Julianna Theory, ThousandFootKrutch, a lil of Living Sacrifce, Vanessa Carlton, Switchfoot, MxPx, Relient K, FIF, Caedmon's Call, Dogwood, Audio Adrenaline, Lifehouse, MercyMe, Furthermore, Superchic[k], Plumb, Hokus Pick, .Rod Laver, Pillar, and more, i cant name them all, but you can check these bands etc out, they are VERY awesome!!!

Driving: Yes, I've been driving about 3 years.

School: Fairbury Jr.-Sr. High School

School Mascot: Well, the mascot is somewhat like the monopoly guy "The Jeffs" (from the cartoon "Mutt & Jeff")

Schools Colors: Crimson (reddish) & Gold (yellowish)

Grade: Junior

Friends: EVERYONE!!!

Favorite sport(s): soccer, swimming, basketball.

Favorite color(s): black, blue & yellow.

Favorite subject(s): biology, spanish & multi-media.

Least Favorite class: sometimes english.

What college do I want to go to?: where ever God leads me to.

Something I hate bout my keyboard: Hitting the insert key and gettin all my words eaten up while tryin to finsih up my webpage (had it happen a million times tonight).

Least favorite animal: MICE and RATS!!!

Something I don't like happening: Car accidents, I hate getting into them; I've been in like 4 of them.

What do I want to be when I grow up: Pedatric Nurse or Recording Engineer or Missionary -- guess we'll see in 50 yrs.

What do I do during the summer: mission trips, work.

Whats some awesome things I did summer(2002): I went to Cornerstone Festival/Experience (christian muzik fest w/ 300+ bands). I had a blast of a time, and it sure was an experience, I'll never forget it, and I loved all the bands & loud muzik! Also, I went to Kansas City with my youth group & went to Worlds of Fun (amusement park).

Whats some more awesome stuff I did summer(2003): I went on an awesome mission trip to St. Louis, Missouri. First, we went to St. Louis, we stayed at this church in the ghetto, and had to sleep on the HARD floor. Then we went to church there. We went to the Arch, it was super awesome. We went on this 1 hr cruise down the Mississippi River, but it was kinda boring. Then we went to the St. Louis Zoo, but most of us girls were super tired, so we just sat there & watched ppl walk by (dude, it was super hot too). Ok, well, that was in the great city of St. Louis. Now here comes the GREAT part of the mission trip. We went to Marthasville, MO. You probably have no idea where that is, which is okay. Well, we went to this mental handicapted place. We worked there by doing yardwork & many different things. We got to play kick ball w/ the residents, which was so much fun!! We also got to worship God around a bonfire. It was so wonderful watching the residents praise Jesus!! They didn't want us to leave. One day, Julie & I, got to actually work w/ the residents; I really enjoyed that. I talk about this and ppl think I'm crazy....but if you were there, you'd have a blast too. I can't wait to go back next year.
Also, another trip I went on this summer was with my youth group (BYG). We traveled down to Noelle, Missouri. We went CANOEING! Wow, was that an experience, that I will NEVER forget. I wasn't for sure about canoeing though. Ok..story time! :) We left River Ranch Resort, and travelled to the place where we'd start canoeing at. Well, it was goin all good, but then all the sudden, the hood came flying up while we were driving and the windshield broke all over (and those southern Missouri roads are super curvy). Yah, that was just crazy right there. Ok, we get in the water w/ our canoes; my canoeing partner was Shainna, well neither of us have canoed before and we're going sideways down the river..and our canoe is doin psycho stuff. So, Regan (youth pastor) goes w/ me, and Jake (Regan's friend) goes w/ Shainna. Jake & S-dawg were doin fabulous, but Esta & Reg still weren't having any luck. We ended up falling over and I bummed up my fingers pretty bad. Three of my nails got pushed up, they were bleeding all over and i had moss caught up high in nails, it hurt badly & looked icky. Well, then I got to go w/ Robin (pastor). Man, we were pros!!!! Robin & I were a perfect team, thanks Rob-O!! Oh yah, it rained a lot while canoeing too. We also did a lot of praisin' God & studying His word, which was a blast. I also loved that trip.


Favorite band(s): changes too often..

What kind of car do I have: 88 baby blue corsica.

Things that get on my nerves: blowing bubbles after bubbles after bubbles.

Favorite season(s): Spring & Summer

When did I accept Christ in my heart: July 1993

What do I think of abortion: I personally think its wrong. Why would you want to kill an innocent baby, they are also human just like you & I. Theres no point @ all. Just think about these bible verses. Psalm 139:13-16 ~ You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous - and how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woren together in teh dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a sing day had passed.