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A Page Filled With Beautiful Poetry

1.)Back In The Dayz
Preschool...sandbox in the class room
Kindergarden...sick for 2 weeks
1st Grade...Mrs. Arlte was gonna have a baby
2nd Grade...Mrs. Turner was the BEST!
3rd Grade...broke my arm
4th Grade...first year at Jefferson Intermediate School
5th Grade...the year Michael graduated from HS and new principal
6th best and favorite year and always remembering
the oldie songs with Mrs. Ruhnke
7th Grade...first year at the BIG Jr.-Sr. High School and getting called "SEVIES"
8th more sevie fever, Math with Ms. K and
English with Mrs. Roesner Heitmann, good times with 'em!
Now...I'm on my way with the BIG seniors!
By: Esther E. Immink

2.)At Top Of The World
Lookin' down at you all
Ah, so much beauty
Smiling faces,
With shining eyes
Lookin' down at you all
Little voices,
but very mighty
Singin' out for joy
We are at the top,
of the World
A ticket for you 'n me
By. Esther I.

3.)Stay Strong
Dear Friend
Stay strong,
don't let that guy,
down below get ya
He says he loves you,
but really he HATES you
Just look up,
and you'll fine the,
guy above,
He really does love you!
Dear Friend,
Stay strong
Keep the head up!
By: EsThEr ImMiNk

4.)All Alone...
Keep thinkin',
but never knowing
The same tune,
comes to my mind,
it's that good old bass
But, what ever happened to it?
Now I'm all alone
with nothing,
just a string.
By: Essey >Me<

5.)Dear Sun,
You are bright
You are smiling down at me
You can be gloomy, but not too sad
You are the one with the black sunglasses
You are just way too cool for me
You are the one for me!
Love Always, Esther

Happy, Hyper
Laughing, Smiling, TAlking
Have No Fear Esther Is Here

The sound system has always
talked well about Michael!
The sound was loud
but sometimes quiet
You could hear it from 2 miles away
We would bop our heads to the sound
Never knowing what the words were
Stolen once, stolen twice
Never knowing where it went
The sound fitted in with every soul
The lips moving, never stopping
There is a sound in every soul!
By: Mike's lil sistah Esta