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SPRING was popping up
all OVER during my visit.

AND, the morning after
Saturday’s party,
there was a half-pitcher of
left over !


Dottie had a couple Bloodies for Sunday breakfast, while Itchy and Schwartz were innocently communing with their paper. (I had leftover PIZZA – my favorite breakfast!

THEN, Dottie and I loaded up a couple glasses (my FIRST Bloody Mary!) …
and went for a “NATURE WALK,” bringing our Bloodies with us.

John James Audubon (1785-1851), was a famed ornithologist, explorer, and wildlife artist. His “Mill Grove at Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary” is right behind Dottie and Itchy’s home. It’s a lovely walk. (With or without Bloody Marys!)

The “Barn” (I guess.)
It’s half-buried in the earth!

The Mill Grove “Mansion House”


The Mill Grove mansion house, built in 1762, is the first home in America of the artist, author and naturalist, John James Audubon, a pioneer in the study and drawing of wildlife.

Captain Jean Audubon, John James’ father, acquired the property in 1789 and sent his youthful son to supervise the estate, which included a working lead mine. Young Audubon lived here for little more than two years. But, it was at Mill Grove that John gained his first impressions of American birds and wildlife, while journeying into the adjoining forested country.

Mill Grove is located within the Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary. This 175 acre sanctuary in Lower Providence Township is home to a variety of birds and other wildlife in natural settings. Visitors can walk the various trails. Bird watching is a favorite pastime of visitors.

Ain’t that SPECIAL?!

The REST of the Story:
John’s Bloody Marys were soooo strong, that I couldn’t drink even ONE!
(Pretty interesting, considering the fact that PAM was
SWILLING THEM the night before!)
So, during our walk, I kept pouring parts of mine into Dottie’s glass.
By the time we got back from our “Nature Walk,”
I think she’d sucked back three … maybe even four … of them!

After we staggered home
from our walk,
Dottie greeted Itchy
(Bloody still in hand!)

She was FEELIN’

(Put your MOUSE on the pic!)

After she took a NAP (LOL!), Dottie took me to a PRACTICE OF THE REILLY RAIDERS!

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