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The Golden Calf

Moses was gone 40 days and nights; the people did not want to wait for him to return.
What is something that you are willing to wait for?
How long would you wait for it?

When Aaron announced a festival to the Lord, he meant that the golden calf was a representation of the true God.
Why might God not want His people to make idols?
What is an idol?
What is a god?
Which do we struggle with more – Having other gods or making idols?

God fiercely hates sin. What about us?

Moses threw down the tablets carved by the finger of God.
Was this a necessary expression of Moses’ anger?
How do we express our anger?

“What did these people do to you, that you led them into such great sin?”
How easy is it to sin? To fold?
How hard is it to stand firm?
How can we “be strong in the Lord”?

All of the Levites realized their wrongdoing and turned to join Moses. Others may have tried to hide, and some may have stood proudly by what they had done.
Are there certain times when we are quick to repent?
Are there times when we try to hide?
Are there times when we are too proud?

The Israelites received a harsh punishment for this sin.
What would happen if God punished people today like He did in the Old Testament?
Is He already punishing people in similar ways?


