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Day Two … Continued!

Although our “Virtual Fandamily Itinerary” cited us as touring Sherlock Holmes’ Museum the morning of Day Two, our ticket to Madame Tussaud’s was a “timed entry” gig. So, after Carol, John, & Toni took off, we went THERE first!

[BTW: Did ANY of you follow along with us DURING our trip,
using the “Virtual Fandamily Itinerary” I sent out???? Just wondering! LOL!]

Although our Madame Tussaud’s ticket included entry into the “London Planetarium” (attached to Madame Tussaud’s), we never went there. We were to busy with the wax museum, and (later) with Sherlock Holmes’ Museum. After all, we can go to a “Planetarium” in the US!

A couple really kool parts of Madame Tussaud’s we didn’t (couldn’t) take pix of:
The WALK though the “Chamber of Horrors” (historical exhibits depicting nasty stuff that’s gone on in London over the ages) … and the RIDE through exhibits depicting London’s cultural history. I have no idea whether or not the Madame Tussaud’s locations in other cities (like New York) have similar features, or not. But, they’re very, very interesting.

BOTTOM LINE (Check me on this, Susan! LOL): I likely won’t go to another Madame Tussaud’s exhibit. But, I’m very, very glad to have gone to this one. You have to go at least ONCE, to ONE of them! The figures are absolutely amazing. Incredible detail. Innovative displays. A MUST SEE … wherever … at least once!

Here Come our Madame Tussaud’s Pix!

I doubt that ANY of these pix
require “narration!”

OK. So, maybe THIS ONE does!
They had this really kool exhibit set up: The wax figures of Bush and Blair were positioned on either side of a PODIUM. A VIDEO camera was constantly running, focused on the display. So, whenever someone stepped up to the podium, their image was projected on a View Screen behind them. That way, the screen showed an image that looked as though the person was actually SPEAKING at the podium – actually standing (in real life) between Bush & Blair!

I took this pic o’ Diana’s figure



That’s IT, for Madame Tussaud’s!
Next, SUSAN & I traveled to SHERLOCK HOLMES’ Museum
Click on that link, and Come With Us!

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This COUNTER was started on September 18th, 2002.