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April Kay Legrand

Hi, my name is April Kay Legrand and I want to tell you a little about me and my thoughts.

It all started when I was born 2 and 1/2 months early. I was due April 20th 1990 and was born Feburary 11th 1990 instead. I had to be hooked up to all kinds of machines to help me live. I had to fight really hard to stay alive, my whole family prayed everyday. It was hard for my mom and dad to see me hooked up to all those machines. They were by my side everyday in the hospital, where I had to stay for exactly 2 months.
I was born on Feb. 11th and I got to go home on April 11th. I was sent home on a heart monitor, but my mom and dad didn't mind because if I quit breathing it would tell them I did. After I was at home for a few months, my mom and dad had noticed that I wasn't doing what I should be doing, so they took me for an evaluation. My parents were then told that I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. I was 14 months old when my mom and dad found out.
I got my first wheel chair when I was 3 years old. It was an electric one so I learned how to drive at a very early age. I walk in my walker everyday and it is a very big struggle for me just to walk 25 feet. Sometimes my legs won't let me walk that far, but for the most part I push them and make them do it. I try to sit by myself but my mom always told me God made my "bottom" too round, I fall over.
I really don't mind having my disability because I was born this way so I don't feel that I am missing out on anything. God made me this way for a reason and only He know's why. I know He gave me the best parent's in the world to take care of me. I also have a very loving stepfather that takes really good care of me.
I have a large family and am very lucky to have them. I have 1 sister Dyamond, 2 half sister's, Summer and Danelle. 3 Half brother's, Devin, Chryschian and Seth and 1 step brother, Kevin.
I know that when I go to Heaven I will be "normal" and that will be a joyous day for me. I go to sunday school and I have learned so much just this year at church. I believe Jesus has helped me do as well as I am doing now. Without him in my life I don't think I would be so happy.
I really like school alot. My favorite thing to do is read. I read very well. My weakest subject in school is math. I don't do as well in that department. I will be in middle school next year and that scares me a little. It is a much bigger school than elementary. I think my mom is more scared than I am though. Sometimes I get treated well in school and other times, I feel like all the girl's are talking about me behind my back. My mom just tell's me that they are jealous of me, because I get so much attention from everyone I don't know.
I love to swim and bowl those are my most favorite things to do. I got to go to World's of Fun this year with "Job's Daughters" for the very first time. It was so fun. I got to ride a lot of really cool rides.
My favorite band is NSYNC. I would love to see them in concert someday and be able to go back stage and say hi.
I can't run with all the other kid's but I can go really fast in my electric wheel chair and I feel just like a "normal" kid, but, what is the definition of "normal" anyway??????

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this site created by my Aunt Dee

midi is: Don't Laugh at Me
Mark Wills


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