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Gage Troy Miller

Gage Says......

I don't mind having cp, but it can be frustrating.
I still wish I could walk or at least use my arms and hands better.
I get upset when my friends are playing something and I can't, like football.
But, I like who I am and this is how God made me, so if people don't like it, they can leave me alone, HAHAHA!
Some people tell me, they feel sorry for me, and talk to me like I'm dying. I wish people wouldn't do that.
I know that Jesus loves me and I am this way for a reason.
I know that some day I will do all the things that other people do,
but I know I can't do it right now, so I will do the best I can.
I can still do some of the things that anybody can.
But I also know I can do things that other people can't do.
So I wish people wouldn't treat me like I'm going to die before everybody else.
I can do activities, only in a different way
I like to play games on PlayStation and Nintendo.
I like driving my wheelchair and I can go real fast!
I race with my brother and give him rides.
I run into people too, on purpose, but I get yelled at, hahaha.
I can sing and I love Britney Spears.
I can go to the park and play. My mom and dad and other people, help.
I can dance, using my wheelchair, longer than anybody, because my feet won't get tired. hahaha.
I can play tag and all those kinds of games.
One thing I DO love is, I LOVE NEBRASKA FOOTBALL!!!!!!
So, PLEASE! Don't feel sorry for me and don't treat me different.

Gage gets around by getting on his knees and putting his head down to the floor and jumping like a frog, or lays flat on his back and kicks his feet, pushing against the floor. He can go pretty fast! He can raise up and sit, if his legs are folded just right but has to keep balancing himself or he leans on something. He can't get up on the couch or anything like that on his own. When he talks to someone, it's a struggle for him to get his words out and if you can't understand him, he has a lot of patience and just keeps repeating until you can finally understand what he is saying. He can't unfold his hands, so has to pound on things, like the game controls, and stuff, to get them to work. But he gets the job done and watch out, 'cause, he packs a pretty good punch! He loves to pluck on his grandpa's guitar, but his fingers are so tight, sometimes he can't let go of them. But, he is the happiest little guy and has the biggest smile (his smiles are REAL!) and the biggest heart full of Love! He likes to joke around and tease. He has us give him math problems, because he's smarter than us. Ha! Ha! Ha!
He has the best mom! Love, patience, understanding. She is so devoted to him.

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Thanks to Janette for making this special background for Gage

This site made by my Grandma, Dee Miller

midi is: Don't Laugh at Me
Mark Wills


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