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Jesus' Face

I looked up, into Jesus' face
And He looked into mine.

He put His arm around me
And said, "I'm so glad you're mine.

Let's run around the meadow,
Maybe toss a ball or two.

It's something I've been wanting
And I know, you've wanted, too.

You couldn't do it while on earth,
I'm sorry, you were sad,

But you weren't that way to punish you
You did nothing that was bad.

Sometimes our Father has a plan
That takes a boy like you

To show the world a special Love,
Which only you could do.

You've touched a lot of hearts, my boy
How happy, I could see,

They were to meet and help you!
You gave them Love, from me!"

Then something strange, I felt a shake
and then I realized,

I must have just been dreaming
but I felt different inside.

I was still in my wheelchair,
And I felt tears form in my eyes

But somehow it was different
as I looked up to the skies.

I knew that someday, like my dream,
I'd be up there, in that place

And I'd walk and talk and run and play
And look into Jesus' face

© 06/15/01
Dee Miller for Gage

Gage has cerebral palsy
and has very little control
from his shoulders down.
He controls his wheelchair
with his head.

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Artwork by Greg Olsen