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Most of us never really think about physical disabilities, like Cerebral Palsy, much, it seems, until it hits us or someone we love.

Our grandson, Gage, isn't the first in our family to have cerebral palsy, so when he was old enough to hold his bottle, sit up, stand up or walk around the furniture, but couldn't, the way his little toes curled under and when he looked at me but his eyes seemed to be looking at the top of my head, I knew something was wrong, I knew it was either cerebral palsy or another dreaded physical disorder like it. I told my son of my suspicions,urging him to take him to the dr. for a checkup. The doctor confirmed it. How heartbreaking it was............

Gage is an exceptionally smart little boy. I don't know why but some seem to think, if they have a physical disability, struggling to walk, talk, even to sit up, well, then it must be a struggle to think.....

I can tell you, Gage is very intellegent . He can run a computer, (but not like we do) goes to a normal school, studies his homework and gets good grades.

He can play PlayStation and nintendo games and very often beats his opponets. He drives his wheelchair, using his head for directions and speed and hits a button with his fist for reverse and forward. He's a speed demon! haha! Why, he even had to go to a special class, but not as a student! He had to teach a group of teachers how to do the things he can do so that they can help others like him. Gage is only 8 years old! This was last year when he was 7. I wonder how many of us, who can do things normally, could have done that?

Gage is very special and is loved by all those who know him. He in return, has enough love to spread to the whole world, and then some. He can give a great bear hug! Oh, but he can also get upset and set you straight if you make him mad.

He loves to watch wrestling, he could probably teach them some sneaky moves! He'll wrestle anyone who wants to, saying, "bring it on." Hey, He's captured the hearts of those big tuff guys on the Nebraska Cornhusker Football team, so that should tell you something! ha ha ha

Gage asks everyone, PLEASE don't look at the physically disabled like they are dumb, or feel sorry for them. He doesn't like pity and wants to be treated just like anyone else. Cerebral Palsy doesn't effect the brain in that way. The more the disabled are treated like this, the more it hurts them. And he asks, PLEASE, don't treat him like he's only got a few minutes to live. People don't realize how this hurts, also and he says, you don't have to yell, he has excellent hearing. (His mom and dad probably don't agree with this at times, hahaha,) and talk to HIM, when you have something to say or ask, NOT the person he is with.

Well, thank you for stopping by and letting me share a little about this young guy with you. I'll be adding more, from time to time. Please visit our links to learn more about
Cerebral Palsy and remember....

They are people just like anyone, who are PHYSICALLY disabled, NOT mentally.......
Same feelings of joy, same feelings of sorrow. They laugh, joke around and tease, just like anyone else. They hurt inside when someone makes fun of them, just like any one else. We should all show them the love that is meant to be shared. THEY do.

Thank you........

cp/b080.gif (2520 bytes)Cerebral Palsy Info  
cp/b080.gif (2520 bytes)Cerebral Palsy Info  
cp/b080.gif (2520 bytes)Cerebral Palsy Info  

/cp/b080.gif(2520 bytes)April's Page
cp/b080.gif (2520 bytes)Gage's Page  
cp/b080.gif (2520 bytes)Gage's Ftbll Page  
cp/b080.gif (2520 bytes)Poem written for Gage  
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