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I Seek The Lord

© 6/01/00 Lindsay Stutzman
(age 13 then)
bkgrnd music composed by Dee Miller

When I'm alone and so afraid
I know that if I only pray
The lord will keep me,

And when it seems no one's around
I know that Jesus can be found
He's always there for me

O-O-h, when I need a special friend
Someone to Love me to the end
I seek the Lord

If I'm feeling, all alone and in despair
It only takes a simple prayer
I seek the Lord

When no one seems to understand
Your dreams are turned to shattered plans
Take some time to pray

If you stumble and you fall,
Growing weary, feeling small
You really need to pray

O-O-h, when you need a special friend
Someone to Love you to the end
Seek the Lord

If you're feeling, all alone and in despair
It only takes a simple prayer
To seek the Lord

When I'm alone and so afraid
I know that if I only pray
The lord will keep me,

And when it seems no one's around
I know that Jesus can be found
He's always there for me

O-O-h, when I need a special friend
Someone to Love me to the end
I seek the Lord

If I'm feeling, all alone and in despair
It only takes a simple prayer
I seek the Lord

It only takes a simple prayer
To seek the Lord,
Let's seek the Lord

lindsay 9/00

COMMENT: Lindsay is a beautiful 13 year old young lady.
Beautiful inside and out with a loving personality,
who loves the Lord very much.

She was having severe headaches and went in for tests,
and they found a dark spot on her brain.
They think it may be a scar from a past accident.
Time and more tests will tell.

Shortly after that time, Lindsay came to me with some words
to a song she had written and asked for my help.
I am very proud of my granddaughter, who has a compassion
for people and travels with me (since age 3) singing and witnessing
to the elderly and others.
Please keep her health and her service for the Lord
in your prayers.

Thank you for your time


lindsay 9/00

There were lots of email friends praying besides
friends here in Nebraska. After going back for tests
There was no longer a dark spot. It had disappeared!
And we all know, it was by the Grace of God!
Thank you all for prayers and most of all, thank you Jesus!

lindsay graduation pic 06/05

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added 08/09/00