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Honoring Ray & Carol’s 45th Wedding Anniversary
(September 9th, 2000!) Page One!

The pix I’ve posted on these pages are often larger than those on other pages. Thus, there may be a “long” download for them. Once Ray and Carol learned of these pages (a surpriZe from me on their 45!), I hoped to obtain “stories” about each to post here (to fill time as we wait for the pix to pop up). Unfortunately, they won’t “dis” each other! (45 years later and they’re MORE lovey-dovey than evah!) So, you’re stuck with the captions that I came up with. (Which ain’t bad – if I do say so, myself!)

The “Babe” —
Carol Virginia Canfield
Born September 4th
Birth Year = subtract 29
from current year!

The “Hunk” —
Raymond Andrew Miller
Born April 22,

The Bride —
Pretty as a Picture!

The Groom —
With his Best Man,
Al Desimone.

The Invitations are Sent.
(No going back now
– without embarrassment,
– anyway!)

Pages from the “Marriage Service” Book.
(Notice there are NO “WITNESSES” – Hmmmmmm.)

Go To Ray & Carol’s 45th Wedding Anniversary Page TWO!

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Return to The Miller Family’s HOME PAGE
(the one with other Main-Directory Page Links)

If you have suggestions for The Miller Family Web Site,
OR contributions to the photo gallery!
please Email the Fandamily “WebMistress” – Ms. Chas!

This COUNTER was started on August 31st, 2000.