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B-Mom & B-Pop’s Pix
Page One!

Dottie and Itchy (Dorothy & William Keim – my “Aunt Dot” and “Uncle Itch”) gained the names
“B-Mom” & “B-Pop” secondary to the indecipherable machinations of the brains of their first Grandchildren, Tyler & Dusty. It is my understanding that NO ONE can adequately explain the genesis of these names for “Grandma & Grandpa Keim!” If anyone out there CAN explain this moniker,
Pul-leaZe Email me and let me know (so that I can explain it here)!

At any rate! These pages begin with photos given me by B-Mom while she and B-Pop were visiting Ray & Carol in South Bend, Indiana for the Notre Dame vs. Nebraska Football game, in September of 2000. (A trip which just “happened” to coincide with Ray & Carol’s 45th wedding anniversary: September 9th, 2000!)

Although the “Luck of the f’in’ IRISH” didn’t quite hold, ‘twas a spectacular and entertaining game. And, I believe that all those who attended it (Dot & Itch, Ray & Carol, Steve and Steve Ortiz) thoroughly enjoyed themselves!!! (I slept through it – thank you very much!)

The photos taken at the game, and during the game-trip, haven’t been developed as of this writing. So, I’ll save them for later! Instead, here are the photos given me by B-Mom!

Itchy is a Bugle-Boy
member of the
Drum & Bugle Corps
(Being a “Soprano” voice
aka. A Trumpet player!)
[Jeeze! I hope I got that right!]

To Visit the Web Site of the
Go to:

OR: Click on this link: The Reilly Rangers’ Web Site!

Ah! Now we can get to some of the pix supplied by B-Mom!

An idyllic
day at the beach,
for Bill and Pam
with their two
Tyler and Matty!

Obviously, someone snuck Matty
a “PISSEY” pill!
Whereas MOST folkz would
suppress the “PISSEY-PILL” picture,
the camera catches ALL – and
the Fandamily Web Site POSTS ALL!!!


Here is Darling Matty
at the beach,
the “seemingly innocent” Grandchild of
Dottie & Itchy
(You’ll have to go to
B-Mom n’ Pop’s Page Two
To see why I write
seemingly innocent
in relationship to Matty!)

Go To B-MOM & B-POP’s Page TWO!

Return to The Miller FANDAMILY PIX Directory Page

Return to The Miller Family’s HOME PAGE
(the one with other Main-Directory Page Links)

If you have suggestions for The Miller Family Web Site,
OR contributions to the photo gallery!
please Email the Fandamily “WebMistress” – Ms. Chas!

This COUNTER was started on September 10th, 2000.