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End of 2000 Miscellaneous Pix
Page One

In early October, 2000,
Steve flew to Lincoln to help us
put up the BIG signs that
Drew had created for his
NE Regent Reelection Campaign.
It was a truly crappy job, that Steve
made a LOT MORE FUN than it
otherwise would have been!

As we traveled into the BOONIES of Southeastern Nebraska, Steve decided to do some “Campaigning” of his own! He stopped this combine, climbed up the side, and the Farmer-Guy popped out to chat.

The DIGGING was the worst aspect of the trip
(which took an ENTIRE day! – maybe two –
I was only along for ONE day!)
The ground was so hard to breach!
We ended up chopping it with crowbars, &
then digging with shovels and hands.

Thankfully, we managed to
limit Dad to “DIRECTING”
the proceedings …
well … for the most part.

Once the holes were dug,
and the posts inserted therein
(dirt-filled & tamped down
with a sledge), the sign sections
were nailed to the posts.

Although I didn’t document them on film, Our FAVORITE MOMENTS
of the entire task were when we were able to pound large, thick nails
into various “VITAL PARTS” of the Drew-Silhouette’s anatomy!!! LOL!
(Trust me: Drew wasn’t only suffering from a “headache” that day!)

Go to End of 2000 PAGE TWO!

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This COUNTER was started on February 28th, 2001.