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End of 2000 Miscellaneous Pix – Page Four

Kim has always been the “#1 Resident Nebraska Chef Extraordinaire!”
(Annabeth is also an Amazingly Yummy Chef!
But we Lincolnites don’t get to sample her fare very often!)
This Thanksgiving,
we had

“in Residence!”
(In keeping with the “Grandpa Ray” tradition, Steve and Kim imbibed from JARS!
Jodi & I preferred NORMAL glassware!)

While packing to come to Lincoln for this first-in-who-knows-HOW-MANY-years Thanksgiving Day feast, Steve & Jodi considered the fact that we’d be feeding FIFTEEN PEOPLE at the T-Day Dinner. So, they wisely brought all sorts of restaurant-sized food-service implements – such as Sterno-powered food warmers!

Upon their arrival, SOME people “Pooh-Poohed” them at first. (“We don’t need no stinkin’ Restaurant-Sized Food Warmers!”) But, to feed this hoard, we ended up using ALL the stuff Steve & Jodi brought, in addition to: two Crock Pots, two mobile Roasting Ovens, the residence oven and stovetop – and THAT was just for the stuff that needed to be kept WARM!

As per
Fandamily Tradition
(and appropriate
the Youngest Children
were sent through
the Buffet Line

But, OH, SurPriZe!!! Drew HAD to CUT-IN-LINE!
(That guy simply can’t WAIT for ANYTHING, can he?!?!)

One last shot
of the
& Buffet Line!

SOMEONE MUST have taken a PIC of the WHOLE FANDAMILY at the Table!
Unfortunately, I don’t have one! If YOU’ve got one, PLZ send it to me!

Go to End of 2000 Page Five – G’PA RAY & HIS SNOW BLOWER!

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If you have suggestions for The Miller Family Web Site,
OR contributions to the photo gallery!
please Email the Fandamily “WebMistress” – Ms. Chas!

This COUNTER was started on February 28th, 2001.