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Absolute Spirit
Massage &

Kim’s ABSOLUTE SPIRIT Massage and Wellness Center
is dedicated to promoting “Perfect Consciousness” …
“Attaining Unity of Mind, Body, and Spirit in their True Nature”

Kim worked long, and extremely hard, to become a licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist: attending school while maintaining TWO jobs (one full-time, one part-time), IN ADDITION TO juggling the responsibilities of taking care of her two children! After achieving licensure, like any other new “entrepreneur,” she’s had to enormously struggle to meaningfully establish a profitable private practice.

Although Kim eventually hopes to develop and manage a much larger Wellness Center – one that offers a greater variety of therapeutic modalities, one that ENTIRELY fulfills ALL the aspects of “ABSOLUTE SPIRIT’s” intentions – her CURRENT Center is ADMIRABLE!

This Web Site Page (created without Kim’s participation), is MY way of encouraging our Fandamily’s recognition of all that Kim has already achieved.

I am so immensely proud of her — I could just SPIT! LOL!

Kim began her practice in May of 1999, by providing in-home – “mobile” – therapy to folkz. Also, she was briefly associated with a Beauty Salon as an “on-site” therapist. However, the noise and odors quickly proved to be too “adverse” to the therapies Kim wanted to provide. Considering these problems, Kim quickly worked to establish an independent therapy Center.

In August of 1999, Kim established “The Attunement Wellness Center” – located in a “Medical” building near a major, centralized, Lincoln shopping center. That Center was created in cooperation with another Massage practitioner, who (oh, jeeze) turned out to be the Chick From Hell! (Trust me! I’m being “kind” by calling her that!) Both Kim & I have learned a LOT from having to deal with this individual.

What’s truly wonderful, is that EVERY step of Kim’s gradual struggle to attain her dream, has significantly benefited her (& I) in “business experience!” So, although we are STILL having to deal with the Chick From Hell, we both continue to grow and be improved from our experiences.

Kim’s current Center was
created in October of 2000,
and is located in
downtown Lincoln.

The building has significant
“Historical Value,”
& offers a very
apropos “ambience”
for both Kim
and her clients.

I SO wish that I had a better camera (and better skills as a photographer)!!!
Kim’s building is MUCH more beautiful than what is shown in my dismal pic!!!

Here is my sad attempt to
capture the beauty and
comfortable / calming
ambience of Kim’s
Reception area.

This pic doesn’t come CLOSE
to doing that! (Nor do any of
the OTHER pics on this page.)
But, at least it gives folkz a
general idea of
the soothing space
Kim has created.

Kim’s current partner,
Jacki Fogle, is a
Reiki (“rây'-key”) Therapist
– providing an energetic healing therapy
that employs hands-on touch
and focused visualization.
Jacki is a fabulous woman,
fabulous person, and someone
both Kim & I enjoy working with.

At right is Jacki’s Therapy Room
within the
Absolute Spirit Center.

Below are some Pix of Kim’s Primary Massage Therapy Room.

In addition to the Center-based therapies that
Kim has successfully offered
(slowly, but surely, Kim’s Massage & Spa Therapy
clientele list has GROWN every month
since establishing her new Center!),
Kim has been doing an increased business in
On-Site Chair Massage
for businesses throughout the Lincoln area.
[Obviously, the above Pic is NOT of Kim.
One of my Planned Projects for 2001 is to hire a professional photographer
to take pix of Kim at work, both in the Center (table & spa work),
and as a “mobile” On-Site Chair Massage practitioner!]

In March of 2001, Kim is welcoming another Massage & Bodywork Therapist to her Center. We’re both anticipating a positive relationship with the second “in-house” therapist! In this way, Kim’s Center will increase in popularity, by virtue of increasing it’s therapeutic offerings.

THAT’S IT! If you want to learn more about Kim’s business, or more about Massage & Bodywork Therapies, her Web Site is JAM-PACKED FULL of information!

Go to KIM’s Web Site

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If you have suggestions for The Miller Family Web Site,
OR contributions to the photo gallery!
please Email the Fandamily “WebMistress” – Ms. Chas!

This COUNTER was started on February 27th, 2001.