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Miscellaneous Photos I Just Decided To Throw In!

The first two photos were taken in June of 1997, when Dottie & Itchy toured Colorado with Ray & Carol & myself. (Dot & Itch were brave enough to travel in the Miller RV-From-Hell – I wisely followed along in my Acura Integra!)

Part of the ’97 Colorado tour involved RISKING OUR LIVES White-Water-Rafting down the “Arkansas” River. (Don’t ask me WHY it’s called the “Arkansas” River! It’s in Colorado!)

Dot & Itch Ready to Raft.
I can’t remember if this was taken before or after the “Safety Lecture.”
Looking at their smiles, I suspect that it was BEFORE! Because, DURING the Safety Lecture, the REMNANTS of another raft – one which had overturned – came shooting by us, and we got to witness our guides performing the RESCUE of folkz who had been plunged into the river!
(They couldn’t have arranged to better reinforcement of their “Safety Lecture!”)

Aunt Dot, Uncle Itch & I Battle the Elements!!!
This has got to be the Greatest Rafting Photo EVAH – it’s certainly a terrifically FOND memory for me! I can’t remember the name of our truly-cool guide, nor can I remember the name of the flaky woman who rode with us! (I think it was, “Cocoa” – she was from California, after all.)
Perhaps Dot or Itch will write & clue us in!

Regardless of name-memories (or lack thereof): The whole trip was truly the Funnest Thing Evah!
And, the rafting excursion was probably the “Highlight” of the trip!

[Then, again, if I ever learn how to put VIDEO CLIPS on this site,
I’ll post the video footage of Dottie, Itchy, Mom & I performing a
at our Coledale camp site … OR, the video footage of
Durango camp site (clothes OFF)!!!!]

Chas & Her Camp Rangers!
This was taken at the Miller-Fandamily Reunion trip to Drew & Annabeth’s land
in Southern Colorado – I think it was in the Summer of 1998.
In spite of the expressions on faces other than Jennii’s and mine,
(“Oh, Frank! My lips are sooooo HOT!”)

The Miller Fandamily in Steve & Jodi’s Pool!
I think this was taken later in ’98, when we all converged upon Steve & Jodi at their Houston, TX home. (My mind is a terrible thing!)
ACTUALLY! This might be the New Year’s ‘98/’99 trip! Yes. I think that’s it.

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If you have suggestions for The Miller Family Web Site,
OR contributions to the photo gallery!
please Email the Fandamily “WebMistress” – Ms. Chas!

This COUNTER was restarted on July 1st, 2000.