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Ray & Carol’s 45th Wedding Anniversary Adventure
to South Bend, Indiana for the
Nebraska vs. Notre Dame Game — Page One!

The day before the big game (after meeting and partying at the RV camp the night before), we farted around South Bend and surrounding environs. Our morning foray was to the campus: seeking vital Intell regarding the best way to attack the stadium on game day (where to park and/or how to get to the game)!

Oh. Yeah. Dottie needed to shop at the campus store, too.

Dottie & Moose

Edward “Moose” Krause,
a famous coach & athletic director of
Notre Dame’s football team.
A rabid (oops – I mean “avid”!)
Nebraska fan placed his hat
atop Moose’s benched statue.

Next thing you know, a TV crew arrived. So, on Friday evening, September 8th,
on some South Bend Indiana TV channel, Dottie got some air time!
(Bummer. We didn’t see any of it.)

A mural of Jesus
on one of the
Notre Dame campus buildings.

Dottie took this pic. She labeled it, “Football Jesus!”

After shopping, we returned to the RV camp and ATE ZEPS!
(Thank you Dot & Itch!!)

Then, we jumped in
the Keim vehicle and
set out to find a
little lake
we’d heard about –
“Lake Michigan.”

Oh, NO!
Of course we didn’t
ask anyone for
We just drove around
until we – sort of –
“ran into” the lake.

Actually, we arrived at this “Dead End,” decided we were sick of driving around,
and that we’d set off on foot to find the flippin’ lake!

Ray has never hesitated
to proceed
PAST a “Dead End” sign
(much to Carol’s continued chagrin,
over their years of travel).

Lake Michigan is HUGE!
Deep and rough enough to
swallow entire ships during
the violent storms that come up.

Dottie took this great
pic of the beach
we frolicked on
(the “Dead End” beach).

SHOOT! With all the privacy we had on that beach, why didn’t I think of initiating
PAGAN RITUALS??!!! Dumb, Chuck. Dumb.

Carol, Ray, and Dottie
at Lake Michigan.

Carol and Ray,
Dottie and Itchy
at Lake Michigan.

Since we didn’t have someone with us to take a “group” photo, I tried to combine these two photos. But, I couldn’t figure out how to do it.

Carol, Ray, and Chas

Dottie and Bill

Especially since Dottie and Bill got “grainy” when enlarged to a similar body-size as Carol, Ray, & Chas.
I’ve put both pics here, side-by-side, with the enlarged Dottie & Bill available as a Mouse-Rollover.

Do you “get” the GROUP effect??!! Huh? Do ya??!!

Dottie and Itch,
Carol and Ray,
at the closest-thing
we could find to
a “lake-side-bar!!!”

If any of youz wants to make BIG BUCKS, move to Lake Michigan and open a
flippin’ LAKE-SIDE-BAR somewhere! Jeeze.

Thank goodness that we managed to SHOP after leaving the bar!

Go to the Notre Dame Adventure Page 2!
Pix taken at the campground on the Day of the Game.

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If you have suggestions for The Miller Family Web Site,
OR contributions to the photo gallery!
please Email the Fandamily “WebMistress” – Ms. Chas!

This COUNTER was started on October 1st, 2000.