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(“Oh, Baby! Ooo .. Eee .. Ooo!”)

By The Miller Family’s Phantom Sports Reporter

Reed’s basketball team was getting beat pretty bad
because the other team had a HUGE GUY that nobody could cover.

Here, in the
1st quarter,
Reed is
guarding the
guy his size,
who is
throwing the
ball in. But,
Reed’s also
backing up to
help his team’s
biggest guy to
cover the
Huge Guy!

Their Big Man had all 10 of their points in the 1st quarter.

Reed is one of the
smallest guys on his team.
But, the coach called a time-out
and made the move to put
Reed on their Big Man
in the second quarter!

Heres a pic of the head coach
talking to Reed about defense
before sending him in.

Sending Reed in
to cover the Big Guy
was the equivalent of
John Stockton (a guard),
being asked to cover
Shaquille O’Neil
(a 7 ft. 2 inch Center)!

Reed stayed between the Big Guy and the ball the whole quarter. He was getting under him, jumping up and swatting away the passes, stealing the ball if the Big Guy tried to dribble.

It was awesome!

Can you see Reed on defense in this picture?

Look closely,
below the
Big Guy’s trunks,
to see Reed’s
legs & feet!

When a shot would go up,
Reed would get between
the Big Guy and the basket,
to block him out.

Reed shut the Big Guy down in the second quarter,
and he scored only once on Reed in the Third quarter.
You would have been so proud of him.

After the game,
the coach congratulated Reed
and announced him as

the Team’s
Leading Scorer
for the year!
After the game,
Reed’s Dad was quoted as saying,
“I think that kid has
a lot of Elm Street in him!”


the Team’s

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This COUNTER was started on May 1st, 2002.