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Travis Turpin (aka “The Big Bopper”)
Before Going To “WAR”!

Before embarking upon his latest National Tour gig (“Civil War”), Travis visited Damn Ray & Darling Carol. Thankfully, I was able to capture a few images of their visit.

There are SEVEN pix on this page! Thus, it’s likely to be a lengthy download.
My apologies! Hang in there.

While you’re waiting for the Pix to Pop Up: Plz be advised that many of the LINKS on this page will take you to places that do NOT contain a “return” link. You’ll have to use your “BACK” button to come back here. Or, you could “bookmark” this page. Or, you could go just back to your Email invitation to the page, and whack on that link again. That’s probably a better bet. But, whatever works for YOU, is just ducky by me!

Hopefully, by now, at least the first of the Travis Fall 2000 pix are posted,
and you may proceed to enjoy them!

Ray is always thrilled to be
visited by a Screamer Alum!
Each and Every Damn Kid is
deeply & sincerely cherished!

At right is a Great Pic
(if I do say so myself)
of Travis & Ray,
circa Fall, 2000.

Just think! If YOU come to visit Damn Ray & Darling Carol,
we could get a pic of YOU with one or both of them!
(“HINT” flippin’ “HINT”!!!)

While touring with The Buddy Holly Story,
Travis’ primary roll was “The Big Bopper.”
However, he also played other (“cameo”)
characters within the show. One of these
was a Record Producer. As a personal joke
(that brought tears to Damn Ray’s eyes),
the Record Producer assumed
“The Damn Ray Pose”
while overseeing a recording.
During his visit, Travis-Record-Producer reprised his “Pose” with Damn Ray. (This truly is a “joke” ONLY another Screamer would appreciate — or even recognize!)

Here Come The “Incriminating” Pix!

While scanning these next two Travis Pix into my computer, I had a great deal of difficulty remembering WHY I had insisted upon the apparel you see below!
However, while continuing to scan Fandamily Pix, I came across the pix you’ll see above when your Mouse Pointer rests upon a Travis image. Ah, Ha! My memory returned!

Brother Steve had visited us at the time of Brother Drew’s fire (November, 2000).
Whereas everyone and their DOG had rallied to make sure that Drew & Family had clothing to wear, Steve’s luggage was LOST by the airlines during his franticly-rushed travel to be by Drew’s side. Thus, Steve ended up with NO clothing! The above Steve pix were taken after an aborted effort to clothe Steve in Damn Ray apparel.
As to WHY I asked Travis to pose in Damn Ray’s boxer shorts:
Travis reminds me a lot of Brother Steve.
So, I decided he should emulate Steve’s apparel and pose for some pix.
(In psychiatric circles, I believe this type of thought process is referred to as
Flight Of Ideas.” However, it makes perfect sense to ME! LOL!)

Plz be assured that, should you chose to visit Damn Ray & Darling Carol, I’ll NOT ask you to wear Ray’s underwear!!! Ray is thoroughly enjoying his retirement. (If you can believe it: he and Darling Carol have become even MORE “Lovey-Dovey” than EVER they were before retirement!)
But, Ray misses ALL of his Damn Kidz, and dearly loves to hear from you – at the very least.

Plz occasionally Email Damn Ray c/o ME (the Damn Daughter)!

For those interested, go to The National Tour of “Civil War” Web Site

Unfortunately, that site doesn’t have the 2001 schedule! To visit THAT, click here:’s results when searching for Civil War National Tour Schedule
(At least, I THINK that’s how I found the above schedule! If the link doesn’t work, Email me. I’ve got Travis’ schedule in a form that I can Email to you.)

If you haven’t BEEN THERE BEFORE: consider going to the “OLD” Travis page on this site – his tour schedule for The Buddy Holly Show. There’s a couple pix of Travis with his parents – BOTH SETS!

“The Bopper’s” Tour Schedule and Pix.

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(the one with other Main-Directory Page Links)

If you have suggestions for The Miller Family Web Site,
OR contributions to the photo gallery!
please Email the Fandamily “WebMistress” – Ms. Chas!

This COUNTER was started on February 27th, 2001.