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In August of 2000, since the Habitat had been soooooooo very popular,

First, the North End was opened
and a new section was extended
out beyond the fir tree
to a large, open-square area
(now the scratch-stump’s home).

With the tree in the way, it’s somewhat difficult to see the connecting section.
But, it’s there! (The Rollover Pic of the Old Habitat is to remind you of how
REALLY “small” it was before!)

a 2-story section
grew in front of the
Eastern part
of the porch
(a place where
no one sits).
And there the
was built!

At Grandma’s request,
the Katz now have a
Kocktail Korner
on the Porch!
It’s very popular —
as is the TOP of the
GYM (ladder)!

Honestly! I’d already thought about doing it, but HADN’T asked Mom yet.
Then, when we were sitting on the porch one night, she suddenly said,
“Wouldn’t it be nice if they could come up on the porch and visit with us?”
I freaked!

Since its been built, I’ve created a little “lid” on the Kocktail Korner.
That way, we can open it and let someone out to lap-sit for a while.
(Usually Jean Pierre!)

The only
habitat things that are
easily visible
from the street
are the metal stakes
that support the
large, open-square area.
Oh, OK.
AND the Gym.

Unless you’re really
LOOKING for them,
the Habitat and the Gym
are LESS easily seen
than the Sump Pump hose!

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If you have suggestions for The Miller Family Web Site,
OR contributions to the photo gallery!
please Email the Fandamily “WebMistress” – Ms. Chas!

This COUNTER was started on November 11, 2000.