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(The camera fades in as we find ourselves in Toronto's Pearson Airport. Inside we find a big crowd of family, friends and fans of Midnight Thunder and Stacey. Security has been doubled because of the large number of people. Midnight Thunder and Stacey are getting ready to board their flight for East Rutherford, New Jersey. Site of this week's Wednesday Wired. Waving to the crowd of people, Midnight Thunder and Stacey board their plane and take their seat)

Midnight Thunder: It was like a mad house out there!

Stacey: What do you expect? The fans love you.

Midnight Thunder: Good thing there was alot of security there though. I thought we were going to miss our flight.

Stacey: Don't worry. We are on board now. This flight shouldn't be too long anyway.

Midnight Thunder: You're right. I'm just going to relax until we get there.

(A flight attendant passes buy with bags of peanuts and stops when she recognizes Stacey and Midnight Thunder)

Flight Attendant: Hey I know you two. I'm a big XOW fan. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Midnight Thunder: Hi, it's nice to meet you too.

Flight Attendant: You're in that triple threat match for the XOW TV title tomorrow right?

Midnight Thunder: I sure am.

Flight Attendant: I really hope you win. The XOW needs someone to bring back dignity to that title.

Midnight Thunder: Oh I know that already.

Flight Attendant: That Xtreme guy has just been a terrible champion and I dislike that Kristoff Miazma guy alot. He's just annoying. You on the other hand would make the perfect champion.

Midnight Thunder: That's very nice of you. I know Xtreme has made a mockery of this belt and I know Kristoff is just a big baby. Neither of them should be getting title shots in the first place. It's embarassing to know that Xtreme holds this title.

Flight Attendant: I really hope you defeat them both tomorrow. You deserve the belt more then either of them.

Midnight Thunder: I really appreciate that.

Flight Attendant: No problem. I hope you enjoy your flight.

Midnight Thunder: Thank you. I think I will.

(The airplane takes off and lands in New Jersey about 1 hour later. Midnight Thunder has been sleeping during the whole flight)

Stacey: Wake up hun. We're there.

Midnight Thunder: Already? That was fast.

Stacey: Lets go get our bags quickly so we can go check in to our hotel as soon as possible.

Midnight Thunder: Alright sounds good.

(Midnight Thunder and Stacey board off the plane. They get their bags and they go outside to call a taxi. Midnight Thunder sticks his hand out in the street and a bright yellow taxi stops right next to them. The tax driver is an old man with a really thick beard)

Cab Driver: Where to?

Midnight Thunder: Continental Airlines Arena please.

Stacey: Why are we going there?

Midnight Thunder: I was informed that Kristoff Miazma stopped by there earlier today. I want to check the place out too.

Stacey: Lets make this quick though.

(They put their bags in the trunk and then enter the car. The cab driver takes them to the Continental Airlines Arena)

Midnight Thunder(getting out of the car): Wait right here for us. This shouldn't take long.

Cab Driver: Yes sir. I will stay here.

(Midnight Thunder and Stacey walk into the arena and stop at the very same poster that Kristoff Miazma had stopped to earlier)

Midnight Thunder: Can you believe how small this Kristoff guy is.

Stacey: I doubt he's anymore then 5'6.

Midnight Thunder: Just great. I have to face the elf from the Lucky Charms cereal in my first match.

Stacey: Don't worry about it. After you beat him and Xtreme you will move on to bigger and better things. Literally.

Midnight Thunder: I guess you're right.

Stacey: Am I ever wrong?

(An XOW crew member walks by. He is not a very big man in stature. He has glasses on and his hair is parted)

Midnight Thunder(to the crew member): Hey you over there, stop!

Crew Member: Who me?

Midnight Thunder: Yeah you. Got a minute?

Crew Member: Of course. What do you need?

Midnight Thunder: I was wondering if you saw Kristoff Miazma come by here earlier?

Crew Member: Yes actually I did. He cut a promo on you and the triple threat match this Wednesday.

Midnight Thunder: Oh did he now?

Crew Member: I have it on tape if you would like to see it.

Midnight Thunder: That would be good.

Crew Member: Just follow me to my office.

(Midnight Thunder and Stacey follow the crew member into his office. The office is pretty small, will alot of books. Theirs a little TV in the corner with a VCR hooked to it. He puts the tape of Kristoff's promo in and they all begin to watch. Midnight Thunder has a very serious look on his face. He doesn't look too happy but at the end of the prom he begins to chuckle)

Midnight Thunder: This guy always makes me laugh.

Crew Member: I found it funny that he showed that fake commercial of Gatorade.

Midnight Thunder: What do you mean fake?

Crew Member: Here look at the commercial again.

(The crew member puts the tape back in and rewinds it to the Gatorade commercial)

Midnight Thunder, Chills under Thunder put a hex on me

Hypnotize! Electifies! Thunder put a hex on me!

Crew Member: Well that whole "puts a hex on me" part is from the Black Lightning flavor.

Midnight Thunder: Are you sure about this?

Crew Member: I'm positive sir. I've never even heard of Midnight Thunder flavor. I watch tv alot and I remember the Black Lightning commercial very well. I could be wrong but I don't like Kristoff anyway.

Stacey: WOW!! Kristoff really is a dumbass.

Crew Member: I knew that he wasn't telling the truth.

Midnight Thunder: Well thanks alot man. I appreciate this.

Crew Member: No problem at all. Whatever I can do to help.

Midnight Thunder: You mind giving me a few minutes in your office with the camera man? I have a little something to send out to Kristoff.

Crew Member: It's cool with me. I'll just close the door on my way out.

(The crew member heads out of the office and closes the door behind him. Midnight Thunder takes a seat behind the desk in the office. Stacey is standing behind him)

Midnight Thunder: Look into my eyes Kristoff. Do you realise what you have gotten yourself into? Do you really understand what I will do to you to win this match? You are a lightweight compared to me. I outweigh you by 120 pounds and I am one foot taller then you aswell. What are you thinking? You come out here and talk smack trying to make me mad. That's not such a wise move my friend. I am not scared of you at all. The only thing I am scared off, is hurting your minuscule body on Wednesday. I am not used to fighting guys who have the body of a 10th grader. I really don't know what I will do to you in the triple threat match. I am worried for your health and for your career. But you still come out here and try so deerly to do whatever you can to get me mad. The whole attempt of making fun of my name has just become old man. Can't you come up with anything new? I mean geez, you are putting the viewers to sleep. Sure the first time it was pretty funny. Heck I even gave you props for it. But now showing a commercial and rambling on about it has just become lame and pathetic. You seem to have become jealous because I came out to the arena and began my search for Xtreme without even mentionning you. You interprated that as me being scared of you. That couldn't be the thing the farthest from the truth. I wasn't trying to ignore you, I know who you are don't worry. Your the green dude on the Lucky Charms box. Everyone knows that!!! It was funny how you said that your pinky has more talent then me. It's good that you are in the XOW, it gives the serious competitors like me some comic relief. Heck, without you there wouldn't be any laughter in the XOW.

(Midnight Thunder pauses and looks at Stacey)

Midnight Thunder: You say how you've been to hell and back. Well good for you, I really don't care if you've been up your own ass and back. Simple fact is that you are a little man trying to play in a big man's world. You come out rambling so much about how tough you are and how everyone should be scared of you. Do you not get tired? I think it's time for little Kristoff to have his nap. Maybe that will relax you. But if your plan was to get my attention all along then congratulations, your plan worked. You have successfully pissed me off and annoyed me. I just find it pitiful that you really think you will beat my ass. Calling me Gatorade might be the most pathetic thing I have ever heard, next to you claiming to be the next TV champion. You went on about how a Gatorade bottle thrown at me would knock me out. Well how about I stuff your ass in a Gatorade bottle and throw you into the sea? Now wouldn't that be something to see. You want to talk about the truth? Well the truth is that, I have been knocking people down like you my whole career. You are literally just a little obstacle on my coarse to greatness here in the XOW. There is no way I am letting someone like you get the better of me. I hope for your sake, that you are ready for this match Kristoff. It might very well be your last.

(With those final words, the scene fades out)

Midnight Thunder and Stacey