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(the scene fades in as we find ourselves infront of Midnight Thunder's and Stacey's Toronto home. The camera crew knocks on the door of the house. Stacey opens the door and welcomes the XOW camera crew. She gives them a tour of the house. She takes them into a game room with a pool table in the middle of the room, ardcade games in one corner, an air hockey table in the other corner and a ping pong table next to it. The next room that Stacey takes us to is Midnight Thunder 's wrestling room. We find numerous title belts in there, including his world championship belt that he won in the IWF. There's several posters on the wall and some memorabilia for some of his previous matches. The camera crew walks by the kitchen with Stacey and exits threw a door and into the houses massive backyard. There we find a big group of people dancing and swimming. We find Midnight Thunder in the corner cooking some burgers on the BBQ, while talking to some buddies of his)

Midnight Thunder: Hey, Big Daddy-O, Nexis, you guys want some burgers or what?

(Two large men walk towards Midnight Thunder)

Midnight Thunder: Damn, I haven't seen you two in ages. I'm glad you could make it.

Big Daddy-O: It's good to be here. This feels like an old reunion.

Nexis: You're right. We haven't seen each other probably since our old IWF days.

Midnight Thunder: Why don't you two come to the XOW? It's a great federation. The staff does an excellent job, the fans are tremendous and we run the best show around.

Big Daddy-O: It does sound tempting, but right now I'm happy at home taking care of my kids. I need to settle down with the wife and relax for a bit. You'll understand someday once you have kids. It's a full time job. I'm tired of missing things like my kids first step or their first words. I want to be there for everything they do.

Midnight Thunder: That's deep bro. I understand you're decision. I'm not going to argue with you on that. If you ever do want back into the business though just give me a call. I can get you in.

Big Daddy-O: Alright man, I appreciate that. I'll be sure to give you a call if I ever change my mind.

Midnight Thunder: How about you Nexis? I know the fire still burns inside of you.

Nexis: You're right, it does. But I've just opened a wrestling school close to my home. It's going great. I have some really talented students that could make it big some day. All my time is spent there though. I'm fully dedicated to that school.

Midnight Thunder: That's good to hear. Listen, if you ever decide you would want in, you know who to call.

Nexis: No worries, I know.

(Stacey approaches them as Midnight Thunder hands Big Daddy-O and Nexis a couple of burgers)

Stacey: Hey guys.

Big Daddy-O: How's it going Stacey?

Nexis: Nice to see you again.

Stacey: I'm doing pretty good. It's nice to see you guys too. George, a red ferrari has just parked in the driveway. I'm going to head into the kitchen and get some more food.

Midnight Thunder: A red ferrari? I'm guessing Maverick is finally here.

Nexis: Dude, Stacey never does call you Midnight Thunder eh?

Midnight Thunder: Not unless where on an XOW show.

Big Daddy-O: Yo Nexis, lets head to the pool. I saw some pretty attractive ladies looking towards you earlier. I think it's time you found miss right too.

Midnight Thunder: Alright guys, I'll see you in a bit. I'm just going finish cooking this stuff.

(Nexis and Big Daddy-O run towards the pool and jump in. As this is happening, Maverick walks threw the backyard door and towards Midnight Thunder)

Midnight Thunder: Well look who decided to show up.

Maverick: It's been awhile now hasn't it?

Midnight Thunder: For sure man. How was your trip?

Maverick: It was amazing man. I travelled all across Europe with my girlfriend. Greatest experience ever.

Midnight Thunder: Where exactly did you go?

Maverick: I went everywhere. Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome. I visted them all.

Midnight Thunder: Sweet deal. Did you get to visit many of the sites?

Maverick: Well not as many as I hoped.

Midnight Thunder: Why is that?

Maverick: Me and my girlfriend were kinda busy in our hotel room.

Midnight Thunder: HAHA!! You gotta do what you gotta do.

Maverick: So how are things going with Stacey?

Midnight Thunder: Couldn't be better man. We are planning a wedding soon and I want you to be there.

Maverick: You know I'll be there. I'm happy for you though.

Midnight Thunder: Thanks bro. Things are finally starting to fall in place for me.

Maverick: How's the XOW going for you?

Midnight Thunder: Not too bad actually. I lost my first match but I one my next one last Wednsday Wired. I have a shot at the xtreme championship at the pay per view.

Maverick: Who are you facing?

Midnight Thunder: I'm in a triple threat match. I have to face some new guy called Rage, he's the xtreme champion. The other guy is Hunter McKnight, he's part of the cWo.

Maverick: The cWo? What's that?

Midnight Thunder: Some group that formed while you were gone. They're a bunch of weed smoking, trash talkers.

Maverick: Who's in this group?

Midnight Thunder: There's the intercontinental champion and one half of the tag team champions, Krow, the leader. Scotty Flash, the other tag champ, Destroyer, Hunter McKnight and CEO Arnold Layne.

Maverick: Seems like a pretty decent group of wrestlers. I'm sure having the XOW owner makes a difference too.

Midnight Thunder: For sure man, but they wouldn't be a match for the old VoF anyway.

Maverick: You know it man. We were the best. No one could get in our way.

(As Maverick and Midnight Thunder continue to talk, Renegade is seen entering the kitchen with a women by his side. The women starts talking with Stacey as Renegade meets up with Midnight Thunder and Maverick)

Renegade: What's up boys?

Midnight Thunder: Not too much man. Good to see to hear.

Renegade: Great to be here. Welcome back Maverick.

Maverick: Good to see you too bro.

Renegade: Yo is that Big Daddy-O and Nexis in the pool?

Midnight Thunder: It sure is.

Renegade: Damn, they must be surrounded by 10 hot women.

Midnight Thunder: You know I throw the best parties.

Maverick: Speaking of women. Renegade, who's that chick that you brought with you?

Renegade: Just a friend man. I introduced her to Stacey and they are chatting it up in the kitchen.

Midnight Thunder: Just a friend? No girl is just a friend for you Renegade.

Maverick: I have to agree with MT on this one.

Renegade: Well we are just getting to know each other. But the futur looks bright.

Midnight Thunder: Yo, you better mess Krow up at the pay per view. Take that intercontinental belt away from him.

Renegade: I will man. That belt is as good as mine right now.

Midnight Thunder: Don't forget about Mike Trojan though. I wouldn't turn my back on him if I were you.

Renegade: Don't worry, I will take care of condom boy.

Midnight Thunder: You know what? Since the XOW camera crew is already here, why don't I say a few words to my opponents?

Renegade: Go for it man.

(the camera zooms in on Midnight Thunder as he begins to talk, taking a more serious tone to his voice)

Midnight Thunder: This upcomming Sunday is a day where many dreams will be made and many dreams will be shattered. My dream of competing in my home town infront of my family and friends will become reality. Ever since I was a little boy, I've always wondered what it would be like to compete in the Skydome infront of all those people. I realise that I am still relatively new to this federation but I have made myself known pretty quickly. This will already be my second title match since my arrival and even though I didn't come out victorious the first time around, I will make sure I come out on top at the pay per view. You see, there is way too much at stake here for me. I want to show the world that I can back my words up and prove to everyone that I am as good as I say I am. I am definitely not going to loaf around this Sunday. I am extremly focused for this match and will pull out all the stops to win. What makes this match interesting is that it is a triple threat match for the xtreme championship, meaning anything can go. There are no disqualifications and no rules in this match. It could turn out ugly. But not for me. My opponents will know what it is like to get beaten until they can take no more. I'm stepping my game up for this match. I will not stand to lose in Toronto.

Midnight Thunder: Now speaking of my opponents. First off Rage, you are the xtreme champion. You managed to sneak up on Hunter McKnight this past Wednesday Wired and successfully managed to win the title. I guess that's just how the 24/7 rules work. Anyone can win the belt at any time. You seem to be a worthy opponent. Speaking up for XOW and announcing a call of arms against the cWo. I respect you for that. But come this Sunday, all the respect I have for you will be thrown out the window because it will be every man for himself. You've had that belt for a couple of days now. I'm sure it sits next to you while you sleep and you carry it everywhere you go. Just do me a favor and enjoy that belt while you can. You will not have it for much longer. The countdown begins now for your title defeat. But I can't just worry about you in this match. There is also Hunter McKnight who is after all the former xtreme champion. This guy had a pretty good run as champion and I am sure he is looking forward to trying to regain that belt. I'm not going to let McKnight get in my way though. I'm just going to have to dispose of him aswell. Everyone must realise that I am in this match to do nothing but to win. Nothing else will be acceptable to me.

(Midnight Thunder pauses and turns back to Maverick and Renegade)

Midnight Thunder: How was that?

Renegade: Well said.

Maverick: You know both of you could leave the pay per view this Sunday with a belt.

Midnight Thunder: We could actually leave with more then one title thanks to the Ecplise match.

Maverick: The Eclipse match? What's that?

Midnight Thunder: Let me explain it to you.

(the scene fades away as Maverick, Renegade and Midnight Thunder continue to talk next to the BBQ)

OOC...Maverick is still actually in Europe. He should be back some time around the 30th of August.

Midnight Thunder Stacey