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(the scene fades in as we find ourselves in what seems to be an office room. Midnight Thunder is seen laying down on a couch with his head on a pillow. He has his newly won tag team title next to him and is wearing jeans and a dress shirt. Next to him is a lady sitting in a chair with a note pad and pen. We cannot see who this lady is because the camera is behind her. From what we see, she is wearing a short skirt and has black hair)

Lady: Tell me what is wrong.

Midnight Thunder: I don't know what happened. One minute I am winning the tag team titles with my partner Renegade and the next minute I am losing my xtreme title.

Lady: Tell me more about your night.

Midnight Thunder: Well I was on a cruise that departed from Orlando on Saturday. I was scheduled to be a part of two matches that night for the XOW. Both of them being championship matches. In my first match, I was the challenger to win a tag team belt. In my second match, I was defending my xtreme title.

Lady: Describe each match for me please.

Midnight Thunder: Well the first match was my tag team match with my long time buddy Renegade. We were facing two guys that we really didn't like, Bangers and Mash. The week before, Bangers had screwed me over in winning one half of the title belts. We had to get our revenge. The tag team title was the only championship that I had never won in my career. It was my mission to win this belt. Me and Renegade defeated them and won the tag team belts. We are the greatest tag team to ever grace the XOW. No one can stand up to us. We are simply to good and too talented. So that match went well, I got what I wanted. The night went bad from there though.

Lady: What was so bad after that?

Midnight Thunder: I lost my xtreme title.

Lady: How much did this title mean to you?

Midnight Thunder: It meant the world to me. I had that championship for over one month. I held it with pride and was a fighting champion.

Lady: Is there any way to regain this title of yours?

Midnight Thunder: Well hopefully the XOW staff will award me that rematch that I deserve. No one held that belt longer then me and no one has been champion as many times as me. I am truly the greatest xtreme champion of all time.

Lady: Do you think you will get this rematch?

Midnight Thunder: I should. Hopefully Xtreme will be man enough to give it to me. He knows I deserve and I believe the fans would love to see us two square off once more.

Lady: How early could you get this rematch?

Midnight Thunder: No clue at all even though I would want it as soon as possible. This Wired is out of the question though.

Lady: And why is that?

Midnight Thunder: The triple threat match for the number one contendership of the world title.

Lady: Elaborate on this for me please.

Midnight Thunder: Well it's simple. 3 brawls. 3 different matches. The Pier house brawl, the beach house brawl and my match, the Tiki bar brawl. Each match will have 5 competitors, except for the Beach house brawl which has 4. The winner of each match will go on to compete in a triple threat match and the winner shall be awarded a world title shot against current champion Chris Bomber.

Lady: Who are your opponents in this match?

Midnight Thunder: Well I have to compete against Rage, FreakAZOID, ADZ and Kid Smoothy. All former XOW champions at one point except for ADZ.

Lady: How do you feel about these opponents?

Midnight Thunder: I have my confidence as always. I will never lose that. I have already been in the ring with two of my opponents, Kid Smoothy and Rage, and pinned both of them. My reign as xtreme champion actually started with my win over Rage as I defeated him to capture that belt. He was champion at the time. I believe I had my last title defence against Kid Smoothy. He defeated me and took the title but lost it about five seconds later to Bane. I then won it back from Bane within a minute. The previous week before that, Kid Smoothy had ran into my match and attacked me from behind causing me to lose my belt. I did however regain it within seconds once more. So me and Smoothy do have a past together in the ring. I can say the same about Rage even though my success against him has been greater.

Lady: Why have you not mentioned the other two guys that are in this match?

Midnight Thunder: Well I don't really have much to say about either one. They are both fairly new to the XOW. Freakazoid is a former european champion but lost that title at Bruise Cruise. Adz has yet to win gold but I am sure he is looking to do so. I don't know what I am going to do though.

Lady: What do you mean?

Midnight Thunder: I feel like a piece of my life has been taking away from me now that I no longer have the xtreme belt with me. I love having one half of the tag team titles but I've just had the xtreme championship for so long that it feels weird not having it with me.

Lady: What do you intend on doing?

Midnight Thunder: I don't know. I need to do some soul searching.

Lady: How will you do that?

Midnight Thunder: I'm not too sure. Being here isn't helping either.

(Midnight Thunder gets up from the couch and grabs his tag team belt. He storms out of the room)

Lady: Wait!! Where are you going?

(The camera cuts off to the parking lot where Midnight Thunder is. He jumps into his black 2002 mustang. He opens the radio and the first song that plays is "If You Could Read My Mind" by Stars on 54)

Midnight Thudner: Pffff my mind is going crazy right now. The unthinkable has happened to me. I should be xtreme champion right now.

(Midnight Thunder keeps driving until he reaches a five star hotel. He parks his car and goes straight to the front desk)

Midnight Thunder: Can I know what room Renegade is in?

Front desk manager: I am sorry sir but I cannot give you that information.

Midnight Thunder: It is important that I speak with him.

Front desk manager: Sorry but only XOW wrestlers are allowed up there this week.

Midnight Thunder: I am an XOW wrestler. Don't you recognise me?

Front desk manager: Sorry, but I have never watched a wrestling match in my life.

Midnight Thunder: Well you are missing out. I really need to have a talk with him though.

Front desk manager: Do you have any proof of your membership to the company?

Midnight Thunder: How about this?

(Midnight Thunder gives him a glimpse of the XOW tag team title. It seems to convince the front desk manager)

Midnight Thunder: Is that enough proof for you?

Front desk manager: I'll have a look on the computer for your name just incase.

Midnight Thunder: Alright but make this quick.

Front desk manager: And your name is?

Midnight Thunder: It's Midnight Thunder.

Front desk manager: Ahh yes here it is. Sorry about that Mr. Thunder. It's just safety procedures.

Midnight Thunder: No worries. Just give me the number quickly.

Front desk manager: It's room 320.

Midnight Thunder: Thank you. Take care.

(Midnight Thunder walks towards the elevator and goes in. He presses the button for the third floor. Once there he looks for room 320. He finds it and starts knocking on the door. A pretty brunette with blue eyes opens the door. She is wearing nothing but night gown and seems very tired)

Girl: If you are looking for Renegade, he is not here.

Midnight Thunder: Where might I find him?

Girl: Check the bar. Probably there.

Midnight Thunder: Alright will do.

(Midnight Thunder heads back towards the elevator and goes back down to the main floor where the bar is located. Once in the bar he notices Renegade sitting down with his eyes fixated on a television screen. Football is playing. Renegade has three empty Corona bottles on his table and he has a fourth one that's full in his hand)

Renegade: Hey man

Midnight Thunder: What’s up bro?

Renegade: Not too much. This is quite the unexpected visit.

Midnight Thunder: Yeah I know. I just needed to talk to someone for a bit.

Renegade: Why what’s wrong? Things not going well at home with you and Stacey?

Midnight Thunder: No that’s not it at all. Things are perfect with Stacey.

Renegade: What is it then?

Midnight Thunder: It’s about my career. I have just felt a void in me since losing the xtreme championship at Bruise Cruise.

Renegade: I know it’s tough man. But don’t worry you have a title with you now and you will get your shot at another singles title soon.

Midnight Thunder: That’s not the point though. I held that title longer then anyone in the history of the XOW. I bled, sweat and worked my ass off to bring that championship to another level. I was a champion with pride and who took on everyone.

Renegade: Dude don’t worry about it. You had already competed in one match during that night. Xtreme didn’t even beat you at your best. Now he’s being a pussy and talking shit about you.

Midnight Thunder: I better get my rematch against that jackass. I would love to see what he can accomplish against me when I am going at full force.

Renegade: You’ll get your xtreme title shot. But for now you have other things to worry about.

Midnight Thunder: You mean my match this Wired?

Renegade: Exactly man. You need this one. You could get a shot at an even more prestigious title.

Midnight Thunder: I really would like that too.

Renegade: Just imagine me and you making it to the finals and simply destroying the third man. Then it would be just me and you battling it out for the number one contendership spot for the world title.

Midnight Thunder: Sounds sweet man. We got to make this happen.

Renegade: We can and we will. Just make sure to win your match.

Midnight Thunder: Don’t worry I will.

Renegade: That’s good to hear then.

Midnight Thunder: Well I should get going then.

Renegade: So soon?

Midnight Thunder: I got some things to do.

Renegade: How about you stay for a Corona?

Midnight Thunder: I'll just have one to go.

Renegade: Alright man. Good luck this Wired.

Midnight Thunder: You too.

Renegade: I'll see you in the finals.

Midnight Thunder: You know it.

(the two shake hands. Midnight Thunder grabs a Corona and quickly shugs it. He heads to his car and starts driving. He begins to talk to himself)

Midnight Thunder: A shot at the world championship? The only reason to why I ever joined this federation was because I wanted to be known as the best. I can't do that if I am not world champion. I have to defeat four other guys in my first match to just make it to the triple threat match. There are some quality wrestlers in this Tiki Bar match of mine. It won't be easy but I can do it. I have to stay confident. I can defeat any one of those guys. A shot at the world championship held by Chris Bomber would be nothing more then a dream come true. He was the first ever xtreme champion in the XOW. I owe him alot of respect. A match between us two would be simply astonishing to see. Possibly one of the greatest matches of all time. I am ready for my opportunity. I am ready for my match. I am ready to be world champion. What I can't understand is why people have been talking shit about each other this past week. Xtreme is running his mouth that I was apparently a joke? Wow he honestly hasn't been around the XOW long enough to understand. He is ignorant and apparently not too bright either. I will get my revenge from him. I will retake that title that he so dearly holds. I'll give him credit for defeating him, but I will never let that happen to me again. I can't think more about Xtreme though.

Midnight Thunder: I must concentrate on my own match. There's this Adz guy that I haven't heard of yet. He hasn't talked about the match and I do not know too much about him. I guess I will find out what he is all about at wired. Rage has been pretty vocal about the match. I've had numerous encounters with this guy and I'm looking forward to this next one. He's young and hungry and I like that. Freakazoid is an interesting character. He's new around here and is looking to make an impact. Then I have to face Kid Smoothy aswell. He has been silent this past week too. We have a history together and I am sure he wants this world title shot as much as I do. He had a shot at Bruise Cruise but he missed out. I can't let that happen to me this week. My focus from here on out will be on the world title. It is all I will care about. Wired will definitely be something special. I will pull out all the stops to win my Tiki Bar match and move on to the triple threat match. From there I will defeat to other opponents and be crowned number one contender. The futur is near and I'm ready for it.

(the scene fades as Midnight Thunder opens the radio and "The World's Greatest" by R.Kelly plays)

Midnight Thunder