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Day 9, July 10th
Castle …


(SIX and ˝ HOURS)


It was still a bit dark and drizzley when I left Caerlaverock and drove back NORTH to Dumfries
… Then drove back SOUTH to Carlisle … THEN commenced my long trek FURTHER SOUTH
(almost the ENTIRE LENGTH of England) to GLASTONBURY!

As before, there were tons o’ signs that were hilarious (to ME) along the way. But, I wasn’t able
to snap pix of them. I DID, however, get some pix o’ THIS funny site:

GO FIGURE: A “Seeding and Plant Division” truck … with a
TREE BRANCH stuck on its end, and flapping about in the breeze! LOL

ANYWAY! After leaving Caerlaverock at 11:30 am, the Motorway was rife with construction delays.
But, when I wasn’t reduced to a CRAWL (sometimes even a DEAD STOP … er, “QUE”!), I stuck
to the MAXIMUM speed limit – 70 mphAT FIRST.

Around 2 pm, the construction traffic was long past, but had caused me substantial DELAY.
Soooo, I pushed my speed up to a “conservative excess” – 85 mph. But, when doing that,
I noticed that TONZ o’ people were PASSING me as though I were STANDING STILL!

Soooo … “What the HELL – OVER?!” After 3:30 pm, whenever I wasn’t hemmed-in by traffic,
I was driving 90 MILES AN HOUR! And even THEN, I was PASSED from time to time!

Finally, at 5:55 pm (SIX and ˝ hours after leaving Caerlaverock), I arrived at Glastonbury!

My Glastonbury destination
was my B&B for that night,

The “Who'd A
Thought It
” Inn

Their website doesn’t explain
the NAME (and I forgot to
ASK about it – JeeZe)!

But, the NAME is what made me
call them when I was madly
scrambling to get reservations
the week before I left!

“The 18th Century Inn which now boasts the name ‘The Who'd A Thought It’ has offered visitors to
Glastonbury, and locals alike, hospitality and well-kept traditional beer for nigh on two centuries.
With an ever-changing menu and a commitment to extending a warm welcome to friends old and new
the ‘Who'd a Thought It’ moves into the new century with an ever growing commitment
to excellence and continuous improvement.”

(The room I slept in.)

(The “view” from my room’s window.)

The WATI is centrally located, in a
grandly historic building, and has a

But, it’s NOT a “proper” B&B.

It’s perfectly lovely and comfortable –
don’t get me wrong!

But, its more like a SMALL HOTEL
as it lacks the intimacy of a TRUE B&B.

The BARTENDER (“publican”) had to
leave his PUB POST to show me around
the building, tell me the times for exterior
door- locking and breakfast, and to
check me into my room (shown above) –
the “AL BOWLLY” Room.
[Apparently, ALL their rooms are named for
famous 1930’s UK Jazz Musicians!]

Once in my room, I called Steve Hyland, who immediately set out to come meet me in the WATI Pub.

The Who'd A Thought It PUB

Steve Hyland is the guy who
set up my UK Teaching Tour …
sent me the $$ for my airfare …
then had to CANCEL the Tour …
causing me to have this “HOLIDAY”!

But ALL this was done via the Internet!

So, we’d NEVER MET
in PERSON!!!

As it happens, Steve turned out to be

We got to know each other a bit
at the WATI Pub. Then, he drove
me to the Somerton Hotel Pub
(the pub he and his wife frequent),
to meet up with Rachel, his wife.

After that, the two of them took me to a FANTABULOUS dinner at The Kingsdon Inn.

WOW! The Kingsdon Inn is an incredibly OLD,
WAAAAAY out-of-the-way, thatched-roof inn,
that serves truly amazing GORMET food!

For “starters” Rachel had soup,
Steve had Lamb’s Kidneys
(he let me try one … YUCK!),
and I had
WILD BOAR & Ginger Pâté.
[Hey! Pâté is Pâté, and
NOT normally my “CUPPA.”
But, I ALWAYS like trying
NEW stuff!]

For dinner, I had
with Mushroom &
White Wine Sauce!

As with Haggis, I’d NEVER
eaten RABBIT before!
… And, although I’m really
and truly glad I TRIED it …

Rachel and Steve are BOTH terrific folkz! We were all immediately comfortable together.
And, after a FANTASTIC dinner, Rachel and Steve took me back to the Somerton Hotel Pub (below),
for ONE LAST ROUND, before Steve drove me back to my room.

Rachel would pick me up at the WATI after I’d checked out the next morning (leaving my car parked
there) … then I’d accompany her to take their two kidz to school … and then she’d take me to visit
their HOME. After that, Rachel would head off to work, and I’d embark with Steve, upon the
INCREDIBLE ADVENTURE he’d planned for my next day!
(You’ll FREAK!)

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OR contributions to the photo gallery!
please Email WebMistress Chas!
those are hyphens/dashes (-) between the “c” and “d” and “miller”