Diesel vs. Alcohol-
All of us know that tractor pulling was first known for the Black Smoke that came from the diesel tractors. Then there were the Alcohol tractors spitting fuel everywhere and popping like CRAZY! It took years and years for the Alcohol burners to get all the bugs out and it took lots and lots of money for them the experiment with them just the figure them out. I give a hand out to all of those who where the pioneers or Alcohol tractors. Now that Alcohol tractors seem to have to advantage (horsepower that is) its time for the Diesels to spend lots of time and money like the Alcohol tractors did to figure out something new. If nobody ever tried anything new in tractor pulling it would get boring fast. I know the diesels work hard at what they do and probably have tried to get more horsepower and spent their time and money, I have nothing against Diesels. But there are some Diesel tractor pullers who just wine and try to change the rules. That is one thing that I have always hated in all competitions when somebody bends the rules to their advantage and not somebody elses. I just hope that somebody thinks of a way the Diesels can beat the Alkys and vise-versa and it just keeps getting more and more advanced.
If you have any comments or would like me to post an opinion of yours just email me.