More useless information

Last Updated: December 25, 1776
Despite popular belief this is actually the dumbest part of my web page. On second thought scratch that. This is where I tell you about the rare occasions where I'm not sitting around doing nothing. Baseball season has ended for me. We lost but we still won 3 more games than Heather's team. That's right, we won 3 games. Great now no one will ever come back to this part of the site. I've lost you forever. Quick Jon say something snappy to win their attention back.

Umm my cat ran away. After 3 years Mittens went outside and never came back. He'd been gone for 2, 3 days before but it's been over a month. Summer is like a giant rolling monkey, it'll never happen. I wish we could get a tsunami here. I'll only be udating this part about every 3 weeks because that's how often anything happens. Check out Logan's page to see some cheap comic he scanned into his computer. I think that's illegal unless the original retail price was free. Did I say illegal I meant unofficial. No forget I said anything, just go to his page and read the bad comic.

Today I went to see Wild Wild West. Cody didn't sit next to Linnea though. This wasn't my fault. Ashley was inbetween the two of them, all I did was eat half a bag of Reese's piecies compulsively. Then afterwards we went to Media Play... for over an hour! Oh well I picked up Cold Competition and for those of you who don't know what that is go to my anime section .

For those of you who didn't know I got a haircut, so now I look like Vegeta will less hair. I also got a microphone, but if you didn't know that you didn't bother listening to the link on my main page.