Welcome to my web page! I hope you
take a look and enjoy the pictures,
information, and links provided.
This webpage I have designed to be
of three parts. The first section is about
perennials for the gardener that are
easy to grow. The second section of
my webpage is about tall bearded iris
and some of the varieties that I grow.
I hope you will be tempted to try to this
wonderful plant.The third section of my
webpage is about friends I have made
in chat. This section is dedicated only
for them and the friendships we have
made in there. This section is just for fun
and I hope it is taken in that context. Also I
have provided links to their homepages so
you can get to know them better. Lastly I
have included some of myfavorite gardening
links and other informative links that I
hope will help you in your web searching.
Thanks for visiting and make sure and sign
my guest book!