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It doesn’t seem that long ago that I stumbled into chat
and met this fellow chatter by the name of gardenwhipenpost.
Who would know that after such a long time we would
still be chatting and learning from each other. In a false
pretense of bravado, we both signed up to make webpages
boasting how we would out do the other. A contest would
decide the winner and the other person would have to send
the looser a trophy. We still have so much to learn that our
contest may not happen for decades,lol. But it has been a
lot of fun and I actually feel a bit sorry for Roby, (you have
my address, go ahead and send the trophy!LOL). When
deciding what to put on this page for Roby, it didn’t take
but a second to come up with the fishing theme. Roby is a
fishing fanatic who of all things, hates to eat fish. This is not
normal for most fisherman, but than Roby is far from normal.
To learn more about him, just ask him to tell one of his many
famous fishing tales, my personal favorite is how he backed
his pick-up over his boat motor which he had taken off to fix.
Or you might ask him to retell how he got a fishhook stuck in
his eyelid or the infamous “swan story”. No matter how you look
at it, he is someone who’s love of fishing and the outdoors precedes
any common sense or pain he may endure. Make sure and take a
look at his webpage and get to know him and his family. When
making our webpages it became more apparent just how different we
are. Roby has to know how things work, technical stuff that gives me
a headache and go glassey eyed. Now if I can get something to work
by copy and pasting I am happy, I don’t need to know why it works,
just that it does,lol. Well this is the part of my story where I should
say what a nice person Roby is and how genuine he truly is. He wrote
such nice things about me I was both touched and shocked, talk about
hitting below the belt,lol. If you know him, I don’t need to say another
word, and if you haven’t, take a moment to drop in chat some night, or
visit his webpage. Your tops in my book Roby ......ya big dork,lol.