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Brian Molko of Placebo

Brian is the lead singer, guitarist, songwriter, and all around sexy girly-guy...

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full name: Brian Molko
birth date: December 10, 1972
height: 5'6"
nationality: born in Belgium of an American father & Scottish mother, grew up in Liberia, Lebanon, & mostly Luxembourg, currently lives in England
mate/kids: girlfriend Helena Berg, son Cody
also plays: some bass, keyboards, saxophone, harmonica
sexual orientation: bisexual
former bands: Ashtray Heart
musical influences: PJ Harvey, Sonic Youth, Joy Division, & Nick Drake
    Brian's top albums (as of early 2000):
  1. PJ Harvey - Dry
  2. Patti Smith Group - Radio Ethiopia
  3. Sonic Youth - Goo
  4. Billie Holiday - The Story
  5. Mogwai - Come On Die Young
  6. The Breeders - Pod
  7. The Dead Kennedys - Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables
  8. Girls Against Boys - House of GVSB
  9. Can - Ege Bamyasi
  10. Chopin - Nocturnes
  11. DJ Shadow - Entroducing

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