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Pix Taken At The


[The JAV pic above is a LINK to the Vineyard’s Website!]

As in 2014 (pic above), we set up around “Ye Olde Wench Tree.”
Alas and alack – the poor old tree DIED in 2015!
[The year the JAV Ren Fest was Cancelled due to Flooding.]
It is now …

Ye Olde Wench STUMP!
JAV planz to install a “mature” tree in its place soon.
I certainly hope so. We really missed the SHADE!

[BTW: A “Lust” is a group of Wenches!
Much like a “Gaggle” is a group of Geese … a “Murder” is a group of crows …
“Mob” of kangaroos … and so on.]

My Ren Faire setup consists of a card table and picnic table, both covered in burlap and scarves.
Parasols to shade the Katz. (Thanx to Mistress Leeenda.)
My gorgeous flags–two Scottish and one Welsh (the dragon).
Plus my Tub Stools!
[Those interested in making Tub Stools should go to Chas’ Tub Stools Directions]

What Do I Do?
Besides presiding over the Ren Fest Katz, I offer FREE Rune Fortunes to all and sundry.
After reading them their Rune Fortune, I offer to paint their Rune on their person–also for FREE.

After all these years of doing it, in 2013 I finally managed to have a couple Mini-Vidz filmed
If you’ve never seen them, you should–they’re a HOOT!

The FIRST 2013 Viking Rune Fortunes and Face Painting Mini-Vid
[2 minutes and 11 seconds long]

The SECOND 2013 Viking Rune Fortunes and Face Painting Mini-Vid
[2 minutes and 15 seconds long]

2016 was Warrior Princess Estelladain’s Inaugural Ren Fest Appearance!
She’d been visiting Lancaster Manor Nursing Home (with Leo to train her) since she was 6 months old.
[Estella turned 1 year-old on April Fool’s Day in 2016.]
This, her first Ren Fest, was the longest time she’s ever had to hang out in a basket (10 hours!)
while allowing herself to be cooed over and petted by admirers.
Thanx to Leo having set a strong example while training her, Estella did Right Fyne!!!

With the addition
Princess Estella,
Ren Kat Banter
“Sir Leo is from Narnia, where he is Captain of Aslan’s Feline Legion. He travels twixt Narnia
and this realm using the Time Turner [a Harry Potter thing] seen on his basket.
Yes, he appears somewhat grumpy!
That’s because he cannot speak in this realm–and he is a VERY opinionated Kat.
This year, he brought his first Lieutenant, Warrior Princess Estelladain, with him.
This is her very first Ren Faire appearance!”

Also as usual, Curio Collective setup next to the Wench Tree … er, STUMP.
Mistress Leeenda & Master Mike are among my bestest Ren Friends.
Leeenda & I have been Ren-Fairing together since 2004!

Leeenda & Mike’s booth is gorgeous – and their wares are fabu!
In addition to imported goodies, a lot of what they sell is actually made by them.

Also joyning us this year, Mistress Laura of
Laura’s Massage & Spa
She did a right-fyne biZness, offering Seated Chair Massages: 5 bucks for 5 minutes.
(After enjoying the first 5 minutes, many folkz opted for MORE TIME! LOL)

Mistress CHET, another long-tyme friend (both Ren & Theatre), joyned us as well.
She was extremely helpful with the Katz: taking care of them
& introducing them to others when I was busy Rune-Fortuning.
Thank You, Chet!!!

AND, it is only thanx to Chet that I have the lovely pic of Mistress JANET below!

Most years, Janet also helps with Rune-Fortuning folkz.
(She is INCREDIBLY creative and talented!)
This year there weren’t that many people lined up for Runes, so Janet helped with
caring for the Katz and introducing them when Chet & I were elsewhere.

Chet also snapped this great pic of Leeenda, Me, and Teddy (myne Titmouse)!

Another standard feature of the Wench Area is The Green Room.
The pic above is from 2014, and shows how personal friends gather in the area behind
the Wench Tree to party and play music, serenading us when not meandering about the Faire.
Although many assume that this is a “private” area, any who wish to joyne in are welcome.
Thus, Faire Performers seeking a rest spot between shows also gather here.

Since the tree was gone this year, Leeenda & Mike brought their extra booth (a small one),
and set it up behind the Wench Stump so that her Mum and folkz would have some shade.
Bless You, Leeenda & Mike!!!

Above are Master Horner (Minstrel Krampe Extraordinaire), and his gude wife, Mistress Cindy.
That’s Mistress Leeenda’s mum, Kathy, between them.

When Master Horner isn’t playing his Mandolin,
he entertains with DANGER BUNNY!

Unfortunately, Danger Bunny went missing in 2015, so Danger RAT filled in.
(That’s Danger Rat’s lodging next to Leo)

To see an 18 second mini-vid o’ Danger Bunny in action (2011)

Happily, Master Minstrel Kramp Randy and his gude wife, Mistress Kat, also joyned us.

Alas, we didn’t do a Wench sing this year–or a Himbo Sing, as Randy requested.
But, Hey Randy! The Jester oft seen with Sir Half-Troll asked for a copy of the Wench Song Booke
because he wanted the words to the Himbo Songs you wrote!!!

Master Horner between Kat, Janet, Kathy, & Chas

The annual Teddy Bosom Shot, complements of Master Horner!

Our Happy Lust of Wenches in 2016
[Pic courtesy of Master Horner!]

Lastly, A Few More Kat Pix
They really are Super Popular!

FIRST, people assume that they’re stuffed or something …
NEXT, they do a Double-Take when they realize the Katz are REAL, and get excited …
THEN, they notice that Leo is wearing Chain Mail, and get even more excited!

BTW: In addition to the parasols providing shade all day,
I tuck little Ice Packs in with the Katz to keep them Kool,
periodically refreshing the ice.
Thus, the Kat Baskets are the
Most Pleasant Places to be on a Hot Summer Day!
(Chet, Janet, & I often want to crawl in with them!)

The Ren Katz are Popular with
Folkz of All Ages

And, THAT’S IT for the 2016 James Arthur Vineyard Renaissance Festival!


If you have suggestions or contributions for
Plz Email the “WebMistress” – Ms. Chas!