Dia duit (“Hello/Good day”) from the Lincoln Irish Dancers! Our mission is “to heighten awareness and appreciation of traditional Irish dance, and to celebrate Irish culture” here in Lincoln, Nebraska and surrounding areas.
Our group was organized in March of 1997. While some of our members study and perform step dancing routines, we are primarily a ceili (KAY-lee) dance group. Ceili dancing is traditional Irish folk dancing. Originally, a ceili was an informal gathering where dancing, singing, storytelling and socializing took place. In this way, the traditions, history, and values of the community were passed on from generation to generation.
Three Lincoln Irish Dancers (LID) perform before meeting Wenches!
That’s the back of Laura on the left
(I don’t know who’s body she’s hiding, probably Lady Elizabeth!),
and LuAnne (their Director) on the right!
When Lincoln Irish Dancers perform,
they also teach others to dance!
The LID’s drummer likes to hang with Wenches!
(John with Wenches Konni & Liz)
Three LID Dancers & Three Wenches:
Kim, John, Konni, Bet, Laura & Liz