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Dirty Peasant Tabards




Knights in Somewhat
“Elaborate” Tabards

I actually “stole” the “Tabard” directions I’ve first-posted here
from a truly fyne web site about Costume Making:

(Only because it was easier that way! … NO DISRESPECT is intended!!!)

In 1999, I used Dawn’s Tabard Directions
to make “Elaborate” Tabards for my Texas Nephews.

Sir Christopher & my Nephew,
Sir Reed, in “Elaborate” Tabards
I’ve used the same
Simplicity Pattern
that I use for
to make
closed-sided “Tabards”
for My Men!

To make a “Tabard,”
use only the
Shert Front
& Shert Back
pattern pieces!

Types o’ Fabric To Use

BURLAP … Tan Muslin … Unbleached Muslin … Light-Weight Woven Brown & Green Fabrics
These are Fabrics I’ve used for Peasant TABARDS (Shirts & Vests).
Best Stuff for “Peasant Tabards”: “Dirt” or “Earth” colors … light-weight or medium-weight fabrics.
“Elaborate” or “Knight” Tabards should also be light-weight, but can be silks … velvets … whatever!
[BURLAP works well for a “Gnarly Peasant” Tabard. (It “softens-up” after washing it.)
I would NEVER use it for something that was going to be against SKIN, however!]

If you want to go there = here’s a Link to
DAWN’S Tabard Directions

Otherwise, READ ON, HERE!

How to Make a Tabard

The “TABARD” is the simplest of renaissance costume pieces for men and women, consisting simply of a long rectangle, with space for the head, that equally covers both the front and the back. It can be belted, or left hanging “free.” These “TABARD” directions can also be adapted to create a Lady’s “apron” or a child’s “shert.”

(Dawn doesn’t use Monty Python Pix! –
I threw this in.)
If you are going for the
“Knight Templar” look,

a Tabard is the white thingy
with the big red cross
(or EMBLEM) on it,
that they wore
over their ARMOR!

Take the following measurements:
Across the chest, armpit to armpit: ____ +2" = “A” ____.
Height, shoulder to just below the knee: ____ +4" = “B” ____. (for Women)
-OR- to mid thigh: ____ +4" = “B” ____. (for Men)

Dawn’s Graphic
You will need a length of fabric
twice as long as (B) and as wide as (A),
OR Twice as wide as (A) and as long as (B).

You've got to get the two rectangles out of it somehow.

If you are working with the one long piece,
fold it in half in the middle and
mark the hole for your head.
Turn all the raw edges under and hem them.

Cut out the hole for your head and try the tabard on.
Enlarge the hole slightly if you need to.
When it is the right size, hem it.

You can use fabric paints or appliqué
to decorate the front of the tabard
if you wish.

Wear the tabard over a tunic, with a belt.
In hot weather men or children can get away with just the belted tabard, kind of like a tank-top t-shirt.

Women should be careful of exposing themselves since there are no side seams.
If you want to sew up the side seams instead of leaving them open, be sure the width of the tabard allows you to pull it on over your head, and that it doesn't become too narrow to sit down in.

Sir Erik, The Red
wore a regular

Black T-shirt
beneath his Red Tabard.
Obviously, I went
with decorating the tabards
I made for
Sir Erik and Sir Reed.

We’re talking

I also made
up the Center
of the Tabards,
So that the “Knights” had
greater MOBILITY in them.

The Sirs also wore
regular shorts and shoes.
They STILL garnered
all sorts of Attention!

Sir Reed, The Gold
(like Sir Erik)
wore a regular T-shirt,
shorts & shoes.
I made them
(the Forearm Covers)

We were approached by
MANY a Parent,
asking, “Where can I get
these Costumes for MY Kid?”


Open-Sided Tabards, worn
without an under-shert –
but, Safety-Pinned closed.
The only problem with
open-sided Tabards:
the fabric tends to shift
causing the Tabard to become
more-open as the day progresses!

THAT is why, in 1998, I
started using a modified
Shert Pattern
to make
Closed-Sided Tabards!
(Shert with no sleeves!)

Closed-Sided Tabard

Consider using my Sherts/Vests Directions
(and the Simplicity 8749 pattern – or a similar one)
to make “Tabards” that are CLOSED on the sides.
All you need is pattern pieces #1 & 2 (Shert Front & Back).

Tabards are usually AS-LONG or LONGER than Sherts.
Decide on the length you want before you do any cutting.

Follow the directions for Shert-cutting, INCLUDING the direction that:
Piece #2 for SHERT/TABARD front is NOT a “Cut Two pieces” gig (as the pattern instructions direct)!
Instead, place Piece #2’s center-front ON FOLD of fabric.

HOWEVER!: Do NOT cut the front piece until after you have FOLDED FRONT EDGES of the NECK area over, in a straight angle from the shoulder, as I instructed for the “Vest” pattern.

After cutting, follow the same sewing directions as for the SHERT, just don’t put any SLEEVES in.
(Hem those open edges.)

BAM! There’s your closed-sided, truly Fyne, TABARD!

WASH THE GARMENT before wearing it!
Iron only lightly, if needed.

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If you have suggestions for MISTRESS CHAS’ RENAISSANCE WEB SITE,
Plz Email the “WebMistress” – Ms. Chas!
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between the “c” and “d” and “miller”

This COUNTER was started in June, 2001.