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Page 2006kids

Arrows to Aerospace Downhill Mile Arrows to Aerospace Downhill Mile
August 26, 2006 August 26, 2006
8:30 AM, 70 degrees Award Winners
Overall Results-Kids Mile
Bold-new age record BOYS GIRLS
Age Time Two Year Age Groups
1 Justin Liedke 8 5:49.1 12-13 Nathan Hansen 13 6:12.0 12-13
2 Nathan Hansen 13 6:12.0 Dean Whitfield 12 6:22.3
3 Dean Whitfiled 12 6:22.3 Josh Ramsey 12 6:45.5
4 Alexander Vavra 14 6:24.2 10-11 Joey Novotny 10 6:44.3 10-11 Peyton Hagen 10 7:00.5
5 Joey Novotny 10 6:44.3 Trev Lovell 11 6:59.1 Rachel Pavelka 11 7:18.2
6 Josh Ramsey 12 6:45.5 Joshua Smith 11 7:18.6 Madison Braun 10 7:29.0
7 Cody Buhler 12 6:46.7 8-9 Justin Liedke 8 5:49.1 8-9 Kaitlyn Buresh 9 7:34.5
8 Trev Lovell 11 6:59.1 Christian Pavelka 9 7:26.8 Hannah Pavelka 8 8:07.0
9 Peyton Hagen 10 7:00.5 Ethan Koehler 8 7:33.4 Marina Matthews 9 9:03.0
10 Rachel Pavelka 11 7:18.2 6-7 Nolan Koehler 6 8:38.0 6-7 Hannah Pavelka 7 8:07.2
11 Joshua Smith 11 7:18.6 Kortney Buresh 6 9:39.0
12 Christian Pavelka 9 7:26.8
13 Madison Braun 10 7:29.0 5 & U Mason Braun 5 8:39.1 5 & U Amanya Pavelka 5 8:44.0
14 Nate Crawford 10 7:32.5 Morgan Braun 5 8:53.4
15 Ethan Koehler 8 7:33.4 Maddie Buresh 3 11:38.8
16 Kaitlyn Buresh 9 7:34.5
17 Ann Marie Moylan 11 8:01.0
18 Hannah Pavelka 8 8:07.0
19 Matt Schester 0 8:14.5
20 Nolan Koehler 6 8:38.0
21 Mason Braun 5 8:39.1
22 Amanya Pavelka 5 8:44.0
23 Morgan Braun 5 8:53.4
24 Marina Mathews 9 9:03.0
25 Erin Thompson 9 9:21.2
26 Rachel Giles 9 9:29.1
27 Kealy Ecklund 10 9:35.6
28 Kelsi Smith 9 9:37.3
29 Kortney Buresh 6 9:39.0
30 Victoria Richert 9 9:42.6
31 Raina Watson 9 9:50.1
32 Debbie Seeley 9 9:50.8
33 Allroon Rush 9 10:03.7
34 Abby Smith 5 10:48.9
35 Maddie Buresh 3 11:38.8

Last Modified By: Allen
Last Modified On: Sunday, August 27, 2006  20:21:15