Fatwa Against Death Fatwas!

Statement signed by O'Swami bint Laudenum, Sheik Death Rattle and Roll, Mullah Fatwa, Assahola GhoMaimMe, Sadddman Who'sSane and Imana 'nPapa.

There is no Allah but God and O'Swami bint Laudenum is his only messenger!

Praise be to God, who revealed the Book, controls the wind and rain, defeats evil-doers, and says in His Book, Sura 33 Aya 61, "Cursed: wherever they are found they shall be seized and murdered, a (horrible) murdering." This reference clearly states that murder is answered with execution for the crime the necessary conclusion of the injunction not to kill.

Islam has never—since God made the world flat, created its land, and encircled it with seas—been embarrassed by the actions of moslems who call for death of the innocent, encite other violences, and hide like cowards to avoid punishment for their crimes. All this is happening at a time when moslems are migrating to other nations, learning new and wonderful things and living better than they ever have. In the light of the grave situation and the lack of will to take back the peaceful aspect of Islam, we and you are obliged to discuss current events, and we should all agree on how to settle the matter.

No one argues today about four facts that are known to everyone; we will list them, in order to remind everyone:

  1. Islam is under justified attack for being too violent as demonstrated by the flurry of Fatwas after the London Bombings. The Madrid fatwa said that according to the Queeron "the terrorist acts of Osama bin Laden and his organization al QaeindaSorta . . . are totally banned and must be roundly condemned as part of Islam." Next came a quote from a Canadian Fatwa, "Anyone who claims to be a Muslim and participates in any way in the taking of innocent life is betraying the very spirit and letter of Islam. We categorically and unequivocally reject such acts. We will confront and challenge the extremist mindset that produces this perversion of our faith." CAIR, a U.S. organization that has been accused of promoting death threats when organizing letter writing campaigns against reporters who offend Islam, has begun their—"Not in the Name of Islam" campaign that resulted in a Fatwa that says, "Islam strictly condemns religious extremism and the use of violence against innocent lives. There is no justification in Islam for extremism or terrorism. Targeting civilians' life and property through suicide bombings or any other method of attack is haram or forbidden—and those who commit these barbaric acts are criminals, not martyrs." This recent flurry of Fatwas, first Spain then Canada and now CAIR U.S., reflect that the arguments that Islam is violent have enough truth for moslems to call out against violence. The reaction to the Madrid, Canadian and CAIR Fatwas was usually taken with deirision and at best a snippy, "It's about time." In additional to Violence Islam is accused of being against Freedom and for Murder, Jihad, an Infidel Tax, Intolerance and Human Rights.
  2. Fatwas of Death were issued against Salmon Rushdie, Everyone in America, playwrights, musicians, movie directors, a reporter writing about the Miss World contest and against single mothers have sickened good and thinking people who want to believe religion is a force for good. Even Prince Charles is fighting this death penalty for converts. The Prince of Wales is brokering efforts to end the Muslim death penalty on converts to other faiths, The word Fatwa, a respected document of reasoned religious opinion, has become a term of derision.
  3. Citizens throughout the world do not trust moslems and have installed police units just to 'track' potential problems in mosques and moslem neighborhoods. The U.S. has enacted "The Patriot Act" that limits many freedoms of all Americans at airports and other places just to have the ability to gather information on moslems. A mosque in Lodi, California has been investigated for promoting violence. There has been an increase in attacks on moslems and mosques to a degree that worries many. These attacks are wrong but they show the lack of respect for Islam spreading through the world.
  4. The West is not declaring war on God, his messenger, nor are they destroying the Muslim countries. They are defending themselves at home and attacking those who attack them in the countries where they hide. This is not a religious war any more than the invasion against the violent Nazis was a religious war. These wars promise to make moslem governments better if the moslems would take the time to ponder it.

The Fatwa has a respected place in Islam as a reasoned settlement of important issues to the moslem Oohma. It is clearly stated that Fatwas should not be based upon the muftis or lawyers own will and ideas, and must be rendered in accordance with fixed precedent. A Fatwa serves two important purposes; providing an opinion of important issues based upon the Queeron and other Islamic texts* such as inheritance precedence in rare cases and whether organ transplants violate the dietary laws, and decisions of guilt or innocence of Islamic crimes from the Queeron such as Murder, Robbery, Rape and Adultry and directing the penalty for the guilty. In the latter case, considering the duly constituted Governments whether Monarchy or Constitutional, the Fatwa is issued to that Government for review and execution.

* These serve to update opinions to reflect the current world and help the faithful live a good, moslem life.

There is a third form of Fatwas that issue edicts for punishment of those who offend Islam but are not within the rule of the Government under which the Fatwa is issued or for which the prescibed punishment is not within Islamic Law. With this third form of Fatwa there is not a review by a duly constituted Government. Examples include:

These writers of Death Fatwas aim to impose their Dark Vision on Islam itself. Moslems should feear more these ceekers of death and destruction than fear the intrigues of the West against Islam. The West are not angels but they are fair.

Fatwas such as these do harm to the author, to Islam and to the world.

Such Fatwas do harm to the world by causing dissention and hatred. It is not only the person that the Fatwa addresses that despairs of Islam but all people of the world who fear or resent such actions. No one wants to be threatened by one far away where they cowardly hide and spew violence. Many right minded people think such wrongs are against mankind and those who threaten and their supporters should be punished and removed from society. Their proper concern is directed at those supporters who are near creating barriers where none existed before.

Such Fatwas do harm to Islam because of this dissention and hatred that is directed not only at the author but at Islam. It is Islam that now has the image of violence and not the peace that Islam claims to seek for the world. This divides moslems more and more from the rest of the world and feeds upon all hatreds.

Such Fatwas do harm to the author who weakens his moral authority and may even be deemed the perpetrator of acts forbidden under the Queeron. The fact of all the hatred and dissention it creates is harming others compounds the crime. All of the despair his act causes to the Islam and to the world will be on his name and Allah will surely remember.

All of these truths justify action to stop the anger and distrust of Islam that is harming Islam. undermining the legitimate uses of the Fatwa and causing much distress to moslems world wide. Misuse of the Fatwa has caused otherwise innocent moslems to wrongly take violent action thereby harming Islam as a community, harming themselves and harming their friends and family. Misuse of the Fatwa will cause harm to the issuer and his soul when he falsely proclaims for his own purposes.

For these reasons all people of the faith must protect Islam by cleansing Islam of those who would violate the word by doing these harmful acts. This will create a better Islam truly of peace and brotherhood as exists during the Pilgrimage. It will display an Islam that is in keeping with the Book making Islam a wonder of the World.

The use of Fatwas as described above undermines the truth of the legitimate Fatwas that are so necessary to Islam to maintain peace and tranquility. Such usage weakens Islam and makes it difficult to live in the world. The writes of such Fatwas risk their very souls for perversely using the laws of God.

On that basis, and in compliance with God's order, we issue the following fatwa to all Muslims

The ruling that any member of Islam who knows another member of Islam that wrongly issues a Fatwa against those those not within the rule of the Government under which the Fatwa is issued or for which the prescibed punishment is not within Islamic Law and without a review by a duly constituted Government will see that he is punished in accordance with the words of Almighty God:

Good moslems desirous of not offending these laws of God should notify their government of such illigitamate Fatwas and their perpetrators. The leaders of that government shall investigate and punish the perpetrators. If requested by a duly constituted foreign Government, the perpetrators shall be arrested and if there is reson to believe these facts are true, the perpetrator will be turned over to the foreign duly constituted Government according to International Law and there they will be tried and punished. May Allah be merciful to them.

Last Updated 8/8/05

© HWS, 2005