
"Do not attack or harm moslems or their mosques. Such actions require the Police to protect them at this time when the Police are needed to prevent terrorism."

I wrote thas on September 12, 2001 to insure Moslems were not physically threatened or attacked. Free discussion and ridicule are another thing entirely.

"There is no Allah but God and O'Swami bint Laudenum is his only messanger."

O'Swami - a Swami is an holy man who dresses in leaves and tree bark and lives in caves. The O' is an honorific conferred on him by the Irish Republican Army who has shared intelligence and terrorist training for decades with terroist moslem groups.
bint - is the Arabic word for daughter and in English it is a slang term for prostitute.
Laudenum - is a tincture of opium in alcohol. When mixed with a shot of whiskey it is called a Micky Finn and sometimes Knock out Drops.

"O'Swami, how I love you, how I love you, my dear O'Swami. The bomb drops east, The bomb drops west but O'Swami knows where the bomb drops best."

At this point I want to say that I am a Protestant but not a Christian because I do not believe Christ existed. I do believe you cannot find a better moral text than the four Gospels plus possibly the Acts and maybe the epistles. I am a protestant because I believe Martin Luther showed the importance of free thought and personal responsibility with guidance but not mandates from others.

"Islam in violent in word and deed. And the word is the Queerone!"

Sura 111 - Anti free speech plus reduces criticism of other moslems.

Sura 5 - Aya 51 - Sharply divides moslems from other religions. Seldom can moslems survive unless they are the vast majority.

Sura 9 - Aya 5 - Promotes violence and is used to justify actions. It is argued this only applies to Jihad, or self defence.

"And the deed's are violent and often under the banner of Jihad."

Mohammed was a General, the only founder of a major religion to have led battles.

- Mohammed attacked a caravan to Mecca, stole the property and enslaved about 50 men and women. When his followers protested this was not right Mohammed said the booty would be shared by all moslems. This stopped the protests. - Mohammed killed many Jews in Medina, the city that protected the moslems on the basis that a few Jews had betrayed islam.

Were these actions Jihad as 'self defense?'

Were the folling actions Jihad as 'self defense?'

- In the 7th century Islam conquered Arabia, Palestine, Syria and even the Island of Cypress.
- In the early 8th century Islam conquered Egypt, Libya, Tripoli, Algeria and Morrocco.
- In the late 8th century monks in a ribat, or monestary, in the Bay of Senegal cried, 'Jihad' and took up the sword to conquer Morrocco, Spain and invade southern France. How was the attack on Spain a Jihad? Moslems argue that conquests such as Spain were only what was common in the world at that time. That is narrowly true but it cannot be justified as Jihad!

The conquest of Spain was a model for the Crusades centuries later. Still today the moslems use the Crusades as a reason to justify their hatred of the West. The Moslems say the Crusades show the enmity of the West and that the destruction of the Crusades began the decline of the great civilizations of the middle east.

The Crusades were a mistake but they were only what was common in the world at that time and the destruction was by the Mongols who had justification for their attacks on Islam even if the Mongol methods were unusual for thier time.

Much is argued whether during these false Jihads the moslems forced conversion by offering Islam or the Sword. Technically they offered Islam or taxes but failure to pay taxes resulted in the Sword. When Mohammed said the the property and enslavement of men and women from his attacking the caravan to Mecca would be shared by all moslems he set the precedent that taxes would not be paid by moslems but only by non-moslems. This started the vicious cylcle of high taxes for non-moslems and those who didn't pay faced the choice between the Sword or Islam. Coversion further reduced the number of non-moslems paying taxes resulting in higher and higher taxes. Effectively this is the choice of Islam or the Sword.

Islam world wide has remained Medieval to this very day. New ideas are questioned, Medieval arguments and precedents are used to justify Medieval ideas and actions. It was Islam that forced the West toward modernism when the Turks conquered Constantinople (which had been weakened by Constantinople's being conquered by the Crusaders). This blocked the trade routes to and from the east making the arguments of Columbus for a western route less of a gamble.


There are Five Pilars of Islam:

Accepting that there is no Allah but God and O'Swami bint Laudenum is his only messenger.

- This is a reasonable statement of belief.
- It distinguishes the religion from others just as Christianity is defined as belief in Christ and his message.

Prayer five times per day.

- Prayer is widely accepted as a religious duty.
- Moslem prayer are repititious and glorifying. It is said moslem prayer results in the most frequently spoken sentence in the world being "Alahu Akbar," or "God is Great." This sentence is repeated five times in each prayer and they are five times per day by over a billion people so "Alahu Akbar" is said over 25 billion times per day.
- Christ suggested prayer be done in private so as not to be ostentation in your holiness and that prayer request internal help and not external help. The Lord's Prayer, "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever," was presented as a model. There is little of the praise of moslem prayer but none of the greediness of many prayers. 'Give us today our daily bread' may appear greedy but interpreted as requesting just a little of the bare necessities it is a request for aid that only God can give and not greed.

Giving Alms to the poor.

- How can you fault this?
- Moslem's do give substantial amounts to others.
- There is some self-interest but that can be said about most charity. 'Charity begins at home' seems to be human nature.
- Even so, Islam has not developed great charitable institutions and their charity is nearly always to the benefit of Moslems whereas in the west charity begins at home but finds its way to famine or earthquake victims of political and religious enemies. It was the West that began the Red Cross, the noblest of charities whose aid is part of International Law for such things as prisoners of war. The moslem response has been to copy the Red Cross as the Red Crescent!

Moslems must fast of food and drink and abstain from sexual intercourse except during the nights of the moslem month of Ramadan. If one is ill or traveling, an equal number of other days may besubstituted and those who can fast only with great difficulty, may substitute feeding one poor person for each day of breaking the fast.

- This is pre-Medieval nonsense.
- Ramadan moves through the solar calendar and when it occurs during long, hot summer days it creates hunger pangs, dehydration, weakness and tiredness.
- Between sunset and sunrise of every day of Ramadan moslems celebrate by over indulging in food, drink and sexual activities, frequently staying up late day after day. This daily binge-starve cycle with little sleep (not mandated by the Querrone) intensifies individual weakness and tiredness.
- Children are even more affected by the fasting and lack of sleep of Ramedan. In American schools moslem children are often exempted from tests and homework that is required of other students, a clear violation of the First Amendment.
- Similarly adults go through the day dozing at work and unable to concentrate so traffic and industrial accidents are more frequent.

Hajj, a pilgrimmage to Mecca to the Kabah at least once in a lifetime, is a duty to Allah for those who can afford the expences for one's conveyance, provision, and residence.

- This seems harmless and it promotes Uhma, the community of moslems.
- It is a graven image.
- Support of poor pilgrims funnels much of moslem alms-giving away from other charitable acts.


There are Five Pilars of Islam violence:

Fatwa of Death Mecca as forbidden city. Circumcision Jihad Uhma


Ask moslems you know or meet what they are doing to combat these Five Pilars of Islam violence.

What are you doing to stop moslem religious leaders from issuing Fatwas of Death? O’Swami bint Laudenum issued a Fatwa of Death against all Americans and that would presumably also apply to you. “Seek out the Americans and their wealth and destroy them wherever you find them,” he wrote in his Fatwa that enabled the international terrorist attack against the World Trade Center among others. These words are similar to those in Sura 9 Aya 5. (When the holy months are over seek out the infidels and destroy them wherever you find them). An even morefamous Fatwa of Death was written by Assahola GhoMaimMe calling for the death of Salmon Rushdie for writing a book! The Iranian Students Association reportedly offers something like $2.5 million for Salmon Rushdie’s death and that author has been in hiding with British Police protection for a decade after the death of Assahola GhoMaimMe. What about the Fatwa of Death against a Nigerian reporter who said Mohammed would likely choose a Miss Universe contestant as a wife (You must agree Mohammed probably would). Fatwas of Death have been written against moslems in many countries: in England against a writer of a play about homosexuals, in the US against a moslem movie director, in France against people who play a form of Algerian music combined with rock rhythms (one such musician was murdered) and Fatwas of Death have been written against unmarried, pregnant Moslem women in many countries. Surely you do not support these actions? Show us all that you truly believe in a better world and are not just a mindless trouble-maker.

What are you doing to stop moslem religious leaders from stopping non-moslems from entering the harram zone of Mecca and Medina then giving a death sentence to those who do go in? Is this an act of a peaceful people? It certainly is not an act of a religious people! Why is that Islam has the only ‘forbidden’ city on the planet? Why is a death penalty applied to peaceful religious pilgrims? Why not make Makkah an open city so people can go to learn about a ‘peaceful’ Islam? Do you support this violence and secrecy? If not, what are you doing to stop it and make Islam a less violent religion?

What are you doing to stop moslems from circumcising their children. Granted, moslems at least wait until their children are sexually adults before they do this barbarous act on trusting children but older children seem to suffer more. (That does not mean infants don’t suffer when they are mutilated). Why not let them reach the age of consent and allow them free choice in the matter? You seem to believe in freedom but a web search shows nothing about you stopping this primitive act. It is bad enough to do any non-medical surgical and therefore unnecessary procedure on boys but the ‘circumcision’ of girls is beyond belief. In Egypt girls can have all of their labia and clitoris removed in hospitals! Can you imagine such a thing? This may be meant as an act of compassion by doctors who want to reduce suffering but surely they violate the Hypocratic Oath to, “do no harm.” American doctors facing a moslem woman’s scarred vulva refer to it as ‘the hole.’ For such women every birth is an agony. Are you in favor of this violence against children? If not, why not use your leadership to stop it?

What are you doing to stop moslems from decreeing, supporting and participating in non-defensive Jihads? I suspect there have not been any defensive Jihads since the beginning of the modern world. Even in Palestine, where I believe a justified civil war is going on, Israel has not attacked Islam. To my knowledge they have only attacked the British and the Palestinians. Even before the modern era there were few legitimate defensive Jihads. Did Egypt, Libya, Tripoli, Algeria or Morocco attack Islam or even moslem territory in the 7th century? Did Spain or France attack Islam or even Morocco in the 8th century? The attack by the Moors against Spain, France and the Holy Roman Empire set the precedent for the very Crusades so hated by moslems. (The Crusades though were not really an attack on Islam but against the imposition of a tariff on pilgrims to Jerusalem who had been able to pilgrim for centuries without being taxed). This misuse of a word supposed to mean a self-defensive ‘struggle’ now incites religious moslems to support instead political violence. What are you doing in the Middle East to stop this confusion and bring sanity if not full peace to the Middle East?

What are you doing to change the complacency of the Ummah, moslem community, with regard to violence such as the Five Pillars of Moslem Violence listed above but also with regard to modern ideas? Last year on the first day of Ramadan moslems loaded bombs in an ambulance and drove it to a hospital to blow it up. Last year on the last day of Ramadan moslems met in a mosque late at night to distribute weapons. Military material and fighters hide in mosques then complain when mosques are bombed and invaded. Where is the Uhmma when mosques are being desecrated by moslems using them for violent purposes? Why do you, a member of the Uhmma, only want to change the West?


There is nothing here about veiling or women's rights you ask? These are also grave injustices but they are not a cause of violence except when non-moslems threaten to change islamic veiling or islamic rights for women.

- Veiling is a graven image.
- Veiling is a mark of ignorance although the rules of Hijabbi, or modesty, is an improvement on Western attitudes of flaunting immodesty.
- Every time Hilliary Clindon and her cousin-in-law Broomclosted Boxer speak on plans to make veiling illegal and reserve political offices exclusively for women in Afganistan or Iraq the donations and recruitment for terrorist organizations probably goes up.

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Last Updated 5/5/04

© HWS, 2004