

Back in 1900 when there was a rush from all areas of Europe to come to the United States, people had to get off a ship and stand in a long line in New York and be documented. Some would even get down on their hands and knees and kiss the ground. They made a pledge to uphold the laws and support their new country in good and bad times. They made learning English a primary rule in their new American households and some even changed their names to blend in with their new home. They had waved good bye to their birth place to give their children a new life and did everything in their power to help their children assimilate into one culture. Nothing was handed to them. Nothing was free and if they violated our laws they were deported. Those were the immigrants who contributed to America what they received but the same can't be said for immigrants since WWII, both legal and illegal.

There is a TV commercial with a cartoon dove promoting turkey that is easier to cook. Who knew doves were so violent?

It is possible the two politicians from Gnu Yak City will compete in the ’08 election for Prez; Rudy vs. Hilliary.

A woman sent poisoned food to the Supreme Court but no one was injured. She got 15 months in Jail. 15 months for the attempted murder of the entire Supreme Court! Readers should send homemade un-poisoned cookies to her where ever she is incarcerated.

    A TV station had a story about an Oakland Raider's player answering school children's questions on the local news. He answered one question saying something like, "kill the tackler." Most likely players do say that but school children should be taught not to say that. Threats to kill are too common on the schoolyard making it hard to sort out what is slang from what is real. Some school principles have kids who say that to be sent to the office so he can find out what they mean. That wastes their time but it is a good idea to keep people from saying that.

    The English are trying to stop terrorism but one Mullah issues death threats regularly; one against Terrence McNally, a playwright, living in the Frisco bay area. He wrote a play called "Corpus Christi". The death fatwa was signed by Sheik Omar Bakri Muhammad, judge of the Shari'ah Court of the UK. No one seems to do anything about it for threatening to kill someone is so common. Terrence McNally says the worst thing about his Fatwa in now he can never see the pyramids.

    Maybe these two stories explain why the 49'ers are moving out of Frisco!

TBI, Traumatic Brain Injury, is the major injury of soldiers in IWreck. Spector remembers that a decade ago PETA stopped research on head wounds because it was performed on live cats. Perhaps if that had continued soldiers would be better off today.

During the great depression, President Herbert Hoover ordered the deportation of all illegal aliens in order to make the jobs available to American citizens that desperately needed work. And then again in 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower deported 1.3 million Mexican nationals (called operation "Wetback") in order that returning American WWII and Korean veterans had a better chance at jobs. It took 2 years, but they deported them. If they could deport the illegals back then, they can sure do it today!! If you have doubts about the veracity of this information, just type Operation Wetback into your favorite search engine and confirm it for yourself. Reminder Don't forget to pay your taxes . . . 20 million illegal aliens are depending on you!

Moslems in IWreck have begun using Chlorine from water purification as a weapon of war in their new version of the war on terror but doesn't that mean U.S. troops don't have to obey the Geneva Convention either?

Bones of the TV show of the same title used explosives from airbags in one episode to escape being buried alive. They could be blown up or released. That's the way with air bags; either help of hurt.

Child abuse by Southern Baptists is not the same as Catholic child abuse. What Catholics did was to cover it up, transfer the offender to another parish to protect him and themselves. Catholics themselves excused it by saying there were the same number of priest perverts as in the general population and that is probably true though Catholic Priests had a draw not available to Protestants; being cloistered with other like minded individuals and the Catholic hierarchy protected them. Baptists are different, more American. Each Church is responsible for themselves with a national organization to handle missionaries and get bulk buy discounts on Hymnals and other things. The local Church is responsible for punishment and then no more so than Microsoft or Intel if an employee is wrong.

After a tornado that killed a high school girl it was asked at the Funeral Service, "How can someone be here one day and be dead the next." About 2,400,000 die every year so on a daily basis it seems about 70 die every day. There must be a better question to ask.

Now there is an investigation by reporters on why this could happen. The girl did as she was told and went into the center of the building but that was where the tornado's path neatly cut the school in half. If the tornado had gone elsewhere someone else may have died. The center of the school was undoubtedly the strongest place to be but unfortunately it was where the stronger tornado wanted to be.

Greenpeace admits they were wrong about nuclear power being as dangerous as nuclear weapons and being polluting. They got their swords confused with their plowshares.

Why doesn't the U.N. take on the Rosie O'Donald-Donald Trump scandal? Oh! It's too much work for them.

Recent bills introduced into California Legislature:

    Ban parents from spanking children.
    Force fast food restaurants to disclose calories on menu.
    Forbid school cafeterias to use trans fats.
    Prohibit smoking on State beaches.
    Make homeowners switch to energy efficient light bulbs.

    Does this flurry of new bills on petty subjects indicate we already have too many laws so there are no more big issues? If so, why not reduce cost by limiting legislature to about a month a year and reduce the number so there are only 5 people on every committee?

Step aside Bill Gates. Archeologists have proven that shadow puppets on the cave wall were the first video games!

When birds return to their old nests in the Spring they will find a letter requiring an OK from a Frisco building inspector plus $800 for remodeling!

In IWreck the war caused this headline: "Blast Destroys Intellectual Scene." In IWreck 'Intellectual' means being toilet trained.

Congress ordained Daylight Savings Time should be three weeks earlier this year making it in early March to save energy. Last time they said it would save energy and it didn't but it changed when energy was used. This time it was claimed it would save energy for business by having offices open only during daylight hours. But may businesses are open around the clock or at least two shifts for people stay late in the office so it is doubtful energy will be saved. Now it turns out that software suppliers were not informed so it is a mini Year 2000 all over again. Computers are used to coordinate airline flights, international meetings and other matters. This change will affect businesses for six weeks a year until all computers are changed to reflect this new schedule. But by then, everyone will learn it doesn't save energy and we'll revert to the easier first Sunday in April and last Sunday in October and go through Y2K all over again.

The beautiful Trio Solisti violinist Maria Bachman goes into the audience for an encore to play an Hungarian Dance where she plays closely to audience members by leaning over, kneeling or even sitting on laps. Will the pianist, Jon Klibonoff, do this during the next performance? Spector likes Maria Bachman for her combination of Sex and Violins!

The Military have holidays in May, Memorial Day, and November, Armistice Day, but why don't they have Infantry Day in March?

The local Men's Club (It was founded by a woman who left her mansion and an endowment in her will) is planning to by poles from strip clubs if Hillary wins and they will install machine guns if O’swami Obami wins.

The president of Fox News Channel is under fire from US Democrats after making a joke playing on the similarity of presidential hopeful Barack Obama's name to terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden. Perhaps they read Spector! who refers to him at “O’Swami Obami.” Spector thinks this is appropriate for he is moslem and we get double use of our ‘O’Swami.’ Please don’t write.

Is the word golf really an acronym for "Gentlemen Only--Ladies Forbidden?"

    The Spector Staff tried to watch the movies nominated for Academy Awards but didn't find them too entertaining. Take Babel, Flags of Our Fathers and Little Miss Sunshine as examples. They were all nominated, they won awards and reviewers liked them. But what about viewers?

    Babel requires subtitles and includes four different languages; Arabic, Spanish, Japanese and Japanese sign language. Subtitles should have been provided for English as the lead actor and actress plus foreigners who spoke English couldn't be clearly understood. It is a good example of the need for a common language but shows the impossibility of learning enough foreign languages. The movie itself is disjointed, has a trivial plot that could have been resolved quickly with plain speaking and common sense but it does have good views of Morocco and Tokyo. At the end we are preached to about understanding and loving other cultures. We couldn't understand it. The lessons we learned was that Arab families are not good parents, that Mexicans can not be trusted with children and Japanese deaf mutes like to show their pussies and that is a sign we all can understand

    Flags of Our Fathers is a war movie about Iwo Jima that tells the story of the raising of the flag and of the flag raisers. It shows the confusion of war and how discovery of confusion causes more confusion; as if war is rational. There was little about why people do things although the platitude of not dieing for your country but for your buddies is true. Everything was blamed on the war except the good. In one scene a helmed head falls on a soldier. Mexico has always had excessively horrific scenes in movies and always had a violent society. Now America has learned from illegal immigrants and America has had a violent society. Was Guadalcanal Diary nominated for an Academy Award?

    Little Miss Sunshine has the worst of emotions but was often funny. Everyone knew when the car's brakes failed it would stop by going in circles for all Spector Staff drove cars that were priced for junk value so they had brakes fail. Hiding the dead body was funny but no attention was paid to the feelings of others. This scene comes from The Grapes of Wrath by the way. What angered us was that the actor playing the grandfather who liked porn and sexy children was nominated for the Academy Award.

    We read some of the original reviews of these movies and they were positive. Spector wishes those reviewers forced to listen to illegal immigrants, moroccans and deaf mute Japanese for 24 hour straight one day a month until next year but then we might be required to listen to our own jokes and no one should be forced to do that.