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New Generation Pro recognizes the inherent rules that govern all sports, particularly Professional Wrestling. In addition, we have expanded and modified some of these rules in order to insure the most exciting matches possible.
Ring-out Twenty Count: The traditional American ring-out 10 count has been replaced by a 20 count common in Japanese Puroresu.
Lucha Libre Tag Rules: In all tag team matches, if the legal member of a team leaves the ring for any reason,  his/her partner is now deemed the legal participant and must enter the ring immediately.  
Permitted Choke Holds: Chokeholds that compress one or both of the carotid arteries and or jugular veins restricting blood flow are allowed. Chokeholds that compress the upper airway (trachea or larynx) thereby resulting in asphyxia are illegal.  
Closed Fist Strikes: Closed fist strikes are permitted.
No Rope Breaks: A wrestler is no longer required to relinquish a hold if  his/her opponent reaches the rig ropes.   
Rules of Honorable Combat:
  • Biting, eye-gouging,  fish hooking, hair pulling, groin strikes, interference by one wrestler on behalf of another, refusal to follow referees instructions, and the use of weapons of any kind  is strictly forbidden. Use of any illegal tactics is grounds for immediate disqualification and will result in a loss on the offending wrestlers record. However, these restrictions can be waved  on  an individual match basis providing the stipulation is agreed to by all participants and sanctioned by New Generation Pro Wrestling .
  • Abuse of officials will not be tolerated. If a wrestler intentionally physically assaults a New Generation Pro official in capacity within the confines of a match, said wrestler will be immediately disqualified resulting in a loss on his/her record.  If the assigned official has incapacitated and unable to end the match, it is the time keepers duty to sound the bell, signifying the bouts conclusion. Further action can be taken at the injured officials discretion.
  • Referee decisions are final. Once an official New Generation Pro referee has rendered a decision, a match can not be restarted and the decision cannot be overturned.  However, if a wrestler feels that a referee did not render his decision fairly and with impartiality, the referee in question  will be subject to a review by the New Generation Pro Board of Directors. If the board finds that the official acted in a manor unbecoming  of a New Generation Pro official, disciplinary action will taken and a re-match will be scheduled.
Wrestlers are ranked and matched according to wins and losses. The importance of win-loss records can not be overstated.  Wrestlers that  perform well will be compensated accordingly.  A high win-loss ratio results in higher standing on cards, better booking opportunity's , greater financial compensation and Championship contention.  In the event that a wrestler receives 3 consecutive losses,  their New Generation Pro contract will be terminated and he/she will be wished well in their future endeavors.       
Wins and Losses can be obtained by:  
Traditional Pin Fall: Both shoulders must be touching the ring floor (mat) for an Officials count of 3. The count will be broken if one or both of the pinned wrestlers shoulder leaves the mat or any part of his/her body leaves the ring by passing through ,under, or making contact with the ring ropes.   
Submission: A wrestlers must verbally submit or signal submission by tap out.
Referee Stoppage: A Referee can end a match if he/she believes that a wrestler has sustained too much damage and can on longer intelligently defend themselves.
Count Out of Ring: In a wrestler or wrestlers leave the ring, they will be given an Official's count of 20 before the match is ruled a “count out”. In the event of a double count out, the match will be ruled a draw and a rematch will be scheduled.
Disqualification: In the event that a wrestler shows flagrant disregard for the rules of honorable combat, the offending wrestler will be disqualified.   
Draws: If a clear winner cannot be determined,  a match can be ruled a draw.
  • A match will be ruled a draw if a matches time-limit expires before a clear winner can be determined, the referee determines that all participants can physically no longer continue, or a double count-out occurs.
  • In the event of a draw, a rematch will be scheduled.