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Development of Human Resource Potential,
Evaluation and Support

"Mission Statement: The New Hope School District is an organization of caring professionals committed to providing a safe, student-centered learning environment that ensures each child has an opportunity to create his/her destiny through collaboration with families and the community."

Based on our Mission Statement the New Hope School District is committed to high expectations of professional growth through education and training for management and staff. In order to maximize the human potential of the faculty and staff and achieve the high professional growth expectations in the New Hope School District, Professional Learning Communities and Whole Faculty Study Groups have been established. To assess the effectiveness of our training and professional growth initiatives we employ a fair and balanced evaluation structure which encompasses both formal and informal evaluations.

The 360º Evaluation Model provides anonymous peer feed back to provide all staff with a personal portrait of how others perceive them. Participants in this evaluation must follow strict rules of etiquette guided by the following tenets:

1. Feedback must be truthful, frank and objective without being insulting or confrontational.
2. Feedback can be in the form of appreciation or in the form of targeted suggestions for improvement.
3. Feedback should be confined to characteristics consistent with and related to job performance.
4. When pointing out a deficiency a suggestion for improvement should also be provided. Suggestions of resources, procedure and efficiency are most helpful.
5. Here at New Hope School District we value the contributions of all staff members engaged directly or indirectly with the education of our children. Although many peer evaluations in this format will be suggestions for improvement, all such interaction should be written in a professional and collegial tone.
6. The scope of this evaluation protocol is informal in function and intent. It is meant as a dialogue forum among one’s peers which can prompt self-examination and provide suggestions for the construction of a personal improvement plan.

Formal Evaluations are conducted by supervisory and administrative staff on an annual basis consummate with the educational standards of the State of Pennsylvania. Instructional staff will be evaluated formally utilizing PA Dept. of Ed. protocols and documentation.

Staff members who have achieved tenure can expect one formal observation per year with pre and post observation conferences. Non-tenured staff will be observed at least four times during the school year with appropriate conferences to foster growth and improvement.

In support of non-tenured or new staff members the New Hope School District provides a mentoring program to ensure successful assimilation into the work environment. A non-tenured or new staff member (Mentee) is paired with a tenured teacher who functions as both guide and resource (Mentor). A handbook of procedures and topics of discussion is provided as a guide through the mentoring experience.