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New Hope School District

New Hope, PA

Updated - March 13, 2011 @ 2:18pm

Vision Statement:

At New Hope School District all decisions, policies and resources support engaged learning and student achievement in an environment that promotes personal excellence, respect, diversity and civic responsibility every day to enable students to become contributing members of society and successful participants in the global economy.

Mission Statement:

The New Hope School District is an organization of caring professionals committed to providing a safe, student-centered learning environment that ensures each child has an opportunity to create his/her destiny through collaboration with families and the community.

To accomplish this mission, the district will:

· Emphasize that learning is a lifelong process.
· Provide relevant research-based instruction that responds to each student’s unique potential.
· Empower students to become productive, responsible and caring citizens prepared for the 21st century global world.

Belief Statement on Curriculum and Instruction:

Growth in student learning can be verified through effective curriculum and instruction when:

1. Curriculum is:
· Data driven based on students’ formative assessments.
· Relevant to students’ real world lives.
· Empowering and enriching to all students.
· Embedded in research.
· Focused on critical thinking, problem solving, and effective oral and written communication.
· Connected to the 21st century global economy needs

2. Instruction is:
· Relevant to students’ real world lives and sparks curiosity and imagination.
· Engaging and hands on and keeps all students actively involved through collaboration.
· Focused on students constructing meaning.
· Differentiated to meet all students’ needs.
· Based on best practices according to current research.
· Pushing students to higher order thinking.

The New Hope School District is dedicated to the best practices based on current research by providing quality professional development and professional learning communities to increase student achievement through effective curriculum and instruction.

Events on the Horizon /Reminders:

Week of March 14th:
It's WEEK #4 (due to PSSAs) on the Six Day Schedule

Monday 3/14 :

PSSA Testing
Early Dismissal : Afternoon Conferences

Tuesday 3/15 :

PSSA Testing
Early Dismissal : Evening Conferences

Wednesday 3/16 :

PSSA Testing
Early Dismissal : Afternoon Conferences

Thursday 3/17 :

PSSA Testing
Early Dismissal : Evening Conferences

Friday 3/18 :

PSSA Testing
Early Dismissal : Afternoon Conferences

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