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All Your Base Are Belong To Us

If you live on the net, you will notice that people are
saying this phrase an awful lot.
It comes from a game whose title is Zero Wing and
inspired the band The LAZIEST MEN ON MARS
 to sample the game on the song
"All your base are Belong to us".
It is a very good song and you might be
able to find it on

Here are some links:

        All your base are belong to us History
                       Everything having to do with "All your Base" and a whole wack-o-links.

        Am I all your base or not?
                       A knock-off of those stupid " Am I HOT or NOT" pages. If I ever find John Loder's picture........
        All you base are belong to us Official Game page
                        Not so much about the game. It has the video though!!!!!.

         The Video
                         This is too obvious!!!, but it's too funny to avoid forever.

               Calvin and Hobbes Get in on the action.........


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