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The Doubtful Links

    Here's a selection of my favourite Gorey related links. They're also on my main link page if you can't use them right away.
Edward Gorey and Nine Inch Nails 'Perfect Drug Video'.
         For all you Trent Rexnor fans. It's pretty interesting how the owner of the site matched parts of the video to Gorey's work.

Fantod Deck
           Based on Edward Gorey's own version of the classic tarot deck, the Fantod Deck, the site is one of my general favourites. Also visit the base site
 Choking Pear .

The Edward Gorey Bibliography Web Site
            A place for all those who want to learn more about Edward Gorey and his work. Very nice site.

The Gilded Lily pad
             Not much, just nice to look at.

 Gorey Images
             This is just one of the largest Gorey galleries on the web, nearly 5mb. Good selection though. Also check out the main page

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