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And there's a lot of them....
Don't forget, these links will also be available on the main link page.


 David McAllister
     One of the best Escher sites out there. 57 Thumbnail images that you can click on to see an enlarged picture. Nicely done.

 A Spanish M.C. Escher site
      Despite the fact that I could not read a word on the page, it was an okay site. Oh! by the way, Trabajos means pictures.

 M.C. Escher by Cordon Art b.v
       The Official M.C. Escher site. Lacks in the images that make other sites more popular.

 For a quote unquote Brief Bio
      Brief Bio my A$$, but a good bio none the less. Start here if you're looking for general information.

       This is a professional looking page with you're basic Escher gallery.

 World of Escher
     One of the best professional Escher sites.

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