Topic: 119) Iolanta, Paris 1984
Live performance from Salle Pleyel in Paris, December 1984
Time: The 15th century
Place: The mountains of southern France
Scene 1
Iolanta has been blind from birth, but no one has ever told her. In a beautiful garden on the king's estate, her friends bring flowers and sing to her.
Scene 2
After announcing the king's arrival, Alméric is warned by Bertrand not to speak of light with Iolanta or to reveal that Iolanta's father is the king. She is betrothed to Robert, who is also unaware of her misfortune. The king arrives with a physician who states Iolanta can be cured, but only if she is told and desires to see. The king refuses the treatment, fearing for Iolanta's happiness.
Scene 3
Wishing to avoid the marriage, Robert and Vaudémont escape to the garden where they encounter Iolanta. Robert, convinced she is a sorceress, leaves to prepare his troops. Vaudémont stays and discovers her blindness. They fall in love, after he explains light and color to her.
Scene 4
The couple is discovered. Vaudémont pledges his love, whether Iolanta is blind or not. The king threatens to kill Vaudémont if the physician's treatment fails. Robert returns, having fallen in love with another. The king cancels the wedding contract, and gives Iolanta to Vaudémont. The treatment works and Iolanta can see!
Updated: Friday, 20 September 2013 4:22 PM MEST
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