Amalgamated Regional High School Reunion 2000 - Corner Brook, NF.

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From July 28 - 30, 2000, there will be a reunion for former students of ARHS who attended the high school at any time from 1956 - 1966.

If you are interested in attending this reunion, please fill out the registration form below and mail* before the FINAL deadline of June 30, 2000 (in order to be sure to get in on our great free draws) to:

Gladys Batten (White)
For further information please contact one of the following:
Gladys Batten -- Phone: (709) 634-4918
Donna Anstey -- FAX: (709) 634-8909
Beth Goosney -- Email:
9 Westview Avenue
Corner Brook, NF. A2H 3B7

Visit us on the INTERNET at


Name: _______________________________________________


Prov./State___________________________ Postal Code/Zip: ____________

Phone: (___)___________ FAX:(___)___________ E-mail______________________

Maiden name: ( if applicable)____________________________

Last year attended ARHS____________________ Grade that year _________

My partner will also attend. He/she did not attend ARHS ________ (or)
My partner also attended ARHS.

Name: ____________________________________________________

Maiden name (if applicable):______________________________

Last year attended ARHS: __________________ Grade that year _________

*Encl. cheque/money order in the amt. of $25.00 per person, payable to ARHS Reunion 2000
