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The webmaster of this site is Norma Burns Farmilo now at

I hope that the BURNS FAMILY DNA PROJECT will help solve some of your genealogy questions. It will definitely tell you if you're "barking up the wrong tree".

The 12/25 marker test is simple - just swab the inside of your cheek. The costs start at $99. This test will tell you within 14 generations whether you are related to someone.

We need males with the BURNS last name for this study. Please ask your male BURNS relatives to join our study. Click on the BURNS DNA link above to join our study or write to

The following Biographical sketch was copied from the book "HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY COUNTIES OF WHITE AND PULASKI, INDIANA. Historical and Biographical. Illustrated. Chicago; F.A. Battey & Co., Publishers. 1883. page 250, Union Township, White County, Indiana.

"JAMES BURNS, a native of Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, was born near Lewistown November 10, 1825, is one of four surviving children in a family of eight, and is one of Union Township's progressive citizens. HUGH and ELIZABETH (TURNER) BURNS, his parents, were also natives of Mifflin County, and of Scotch and Irish descent respectively. The spring of 1835, HUGH BURNS and family removed to Montgomery County, Ohio, remaining there four and a half years, engaged in farming, but the fall of 1839, they again started Westward, intending to settle near Springfield, Illinois. After leaving LaFayette, Indiana, they missed the road and by accident wandered to White County, where meeting an old schoolmate, JOHN ROTHROCK, since deceased, he was induced by him to settle permanently here. MR. BURNS located in Union Township, two miles south of Monticello, where he died in about 1842, followed by his widow some twenty years later.

JAMES BURNS made his home with his widowed mother until her death, shortly after which he moved to where he now resides and engaged in farming. He was reared principally in White County, acquired a fair education, and in 1865 married MRS. MARY JANE BURNS, a daughter of JOHN BURNS, of Big Creek Township. Three sons were born to this union, the last named being dead - SAMUEL E., BERTIE and JOHN. The mother died in August, 1877, and in May, 1880, MR. BURNS married SUSAN FERRY, whose parents now reside in York County, Nebraska. He owns a farm of 105 acres, is a Democrat and the Present Road Superintendent of Union Township."

From: Mark Ebner To: Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2005 12:20 AM

We are also extremely interested in the family history. Our Grandma is Genevieve Patricia Ebner (Burns), Granddaughter of W.E. Burns. She is still an active member in the Croswell, MI community and has also been very helpful and animated in sharing her wonderful stories of the past. We are very interested in obtaining a copy of the book referenced INDIANA ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS OF AMERICAN DEVELOPEMENT 1931 Vol. 5. Is this publication still available? We would love to give Grandma a copy for Christmas! Also just to add to the accuracy, we would like to notify somebody of a correction to the following statement:

“For many years JAMES WHITCOMB BURNS carried on farming and stock raising in Fremont Township, Sanilac County, Michigan. He also served capably as state agent and as superintendent of the poor farm, capacities in which he showed himself capable, active and humane.”

This appears to be a description for Moses Burns rather than James Whitcomb Burns. Attached is an article that verifies that Moses Burns was a county agent for correction and charities in Sanilac County. Is it possible to include an addendum to the existing information that has been published?

Please let us know if there is any other information you may have regarding the NY/Croswell Burns history. Thanks so much!!!!!

Thank you, Mark Ebner, Marcee Milletics (Ebner), Laurie Ebner (Matheson) P: 810-735-2615 F: 810-735-2676

Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: Burns family DNA project

John Burns was married in Monroe County, Indiana to Margaret Carmichael. They lived in Bloomington, Indiana. On censuses, John listed his parents as being born in Ohio, Michigan, and Canada. He said he was born in Indiana, Michigan, and Kansas. We think he was in Greene County, Indiana for some time, because the Carmichaels were from there. We do know that they had five children (Edward and Frank), but only three were alive in 1900. John was born in 1853 and died (I forgot the exact date, it is at home and I am at work right now) around 1928. We know John was a farmer. That is all the information we have. Does any of this sound familiar? Is John possibly connected to anything you have found? Please let me know.

From: MB
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 1:03 PM
Subject: Indiana Burns'

My name is MICHAEL BURNS. I am one of many grandchildren of EDMUND T BURNS & SUSAN MUSSETTER.


My father's name is EDMUND C BURNS. He later moved to Michigan and married CHERYL O'CONNELL. Adult children include: PATRICK, MICHAEL & CATHERINE.



Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2003 3:57 PM

I have a JOHN BURNS that I am looking for. He was born about 1855 in Indiana or Michigan. He lived in Greene County, Indiana for a while. He married MARGARET CARMICHAEL. His son is EDWARD.

EDWARD BURNS is my great grandfather. He was born about 1876 or 1877.

JOHN BURNS also had four other children. 3 children were dead by 1900. The other child listed was MARTIN BURNS.

Both JOHN and EDWARD (and their families) lived in Bloomington, Indiana in 1900. JOHN and MARGARET both died about 1928 in Indiana. Do you have any information about this family?

From: "georg lundblad"
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 9:20 AM
Subject: Question re. BURNS

Dear Norma ...,

Found your site about the BURNS families very interesting. As I am searching for a BURNS from Indiana, it is quite natural that I´ll ask for your help.

Do you have in your BURNS pedigree a JOSEPH BURNS b. 8 Oct 1887? His wife might have been a Lula Taylor, but no evidence for that can be forwarded.

JOSEPH BURNS' father was JAMES (most likely also BURNS) JOSEPH had a son named PAUL b. 23 Jan 1923 in Marion, Grant County, Indiana. Street name at time of his birth was probably "33rd & Bran- son Streets.

Appreciate any help you can give. Sincerely, George Lundblad Sweden

From: To: Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 9:08 PM Subject: Indiana Burnses - DR PAUL BURNS

Hi there,

I enjoyed your IN BURNS site! Thanks for the data you are sharing with others. Many of my BURNSES are referenced on your page and it was fun to see the data there!

I wonder if you would mind sharing with me the page from Montpelier Today, referencing a letter written by my uncle, DR PAUL BURNS. When I visited the Montpelier Library 2 years ago, and the Blackford County Historical Society, I was unable to access that particular book and page. I have all the other information, but have never learned what was in the letter he wrote!

Can you help me, please?


Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 6:39 PM

My name is NATHANIEL DAVID BURNS. I have been exhaustively searching anything and everything regarding my family roots. Any information you may have would be highly appreciated on the following.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BURNS(My g grandfather) b. abt 1848 Greenburg IN m. abt 1877 to SARAH EMMALINE HARRIS b. abt 12/18/1852 Greenburg IN. I believe they met in Indiana and moved to Jackson Co. Kansas.

1) STELLA OLDILA BURNS b. 6/15/1878 d. 9/22/1918 Fowler, Meade, KS
2) WILLIAM L BURNS b. 8/25/1883 Jackson Co. KS d. 2/2/1978 Holton, Jackson, KS
3) WILLIAM A BURNS b. 3/26/1890
4. HOMER GILBERT BURNS b. 10/10/1892 Bunkerhill, Russell, KS
5. HERMAN BENJAMIN BURNS (my grandfather) b. 11/9/1894 Denison, Jackson, KS d. 2/11/1988 Cedar Rapids IA

My grandfather was the last born to my g-grandfather before he passed away sometime around 1897. It was at this time, from what I am led to believe my g-grandfather had a brother by the name of JOHN T BURNS b. 7/4/1854 North Carolina. Upon BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BURNS' death, JOHN T BURNS stepped in and married my g-grandmother on Dec. 17th 1897.

They had one son:
1. MILBURN "PETE" BURNS b. abt 1901 Holton, Jackson, KS d. abt 1970.

I do not know as to the true accuracy of everything here. What is confusing to me is the supposed fact that my g-grandfather BENJAMIN was older than his brother, JOHN T but JOHN T was born in North Carolina after BENJAMIN who was born in Indiana.

Hopefully, you may have ran across some info regarding the above.
Thank you, NATE BURNS


pg. 24 Many patrons expressed their gratitude to the operators (telephone) with beautiful gifts, cards and letters. In perusing some of these messages, the writer thinks the following letter from Dr. PAUL E BURNS tells it all. (It then states what was in the letter, I won't type it but will send you a copy of the page.)

pg.163 has a small picture of the office of DR. PAUL BURNS

pg. 187 small article states "Two of Montpelier's pysicians have brought honor to the community through service they have given in their chosen professions. DR. PAUL BURNS was voted Doctor of the Year by the State Mental Health Assoc."


pg. 555 WILLIAM J BURNS edited the Banner from 1853 to 1856. He afterward started the Stark County Ledger, and died several years ago.


pg. 179 In the West, the earliest religious meetings were held at the house of JASON & GEORGE JONES, North of the old Bethel Schoolhouse, in 1841 or 1842. Prayer meetings were held there, and at the time of the Millerite excitement they were largely attended. It was about 1843 that the world was to finish up its career, and the year before, 1842, Elders SPEARS, STALKER & BURNS of "somewhere about" Orland, commenced revival meetings in the old Callahan Schoolhouse.

pg 267 MAJ. W. B. BINGHAM was born in Adams County, Penn, November 14, 1819, son of DAVID & SARAH (BURNS) BINGHAM - on his Father's side from Irish ancestors and on his Mother's side from Scottish ancestors. Both of MAJ. BINGHAM'S grandfathers came to the U.S. prior to the Revolutionary war, and there is more.

pg. 283 1882 History of LaGrange continued


pg 10. LEE BURNS, prominent Indianapolis architect, has for a number of years been deeply interested in the program of work of the Indiana Historical Society and Society of Indiana Pioneers and is a member of both of these organizations. While not a professional historian, he is author of two valuable contributions to the historical literature of the state, "The National Road to Indiana" and "Life in Old Vincennes", both of which are publications of the Indiana Historical Society.

Mr. LEE BURNS was born at Bloomfield, IN April 19, 1872 son of HARRISON & MARY CONSTANCE (SMYDTH) BURNS. He was educated in the public schools of Indianapolis, in Butler College and for a number of years was connected with the law book department and afterwards with the general publishing department of the Bobbs-Merrill Company.

In 1911 Mr LEE BURNS founded the BURNS Realty Company, for the purpose of designing and constructing the better types of residences. This soon developed into a general architectural practice. Mr. BURNS is now senior member of the firm BURNS & JAMES, Architects. The work of this firm has been accorded many honors and in 1929 the firm was awarded a gold medal by the Indiana Society of Architects for the excellence of their work. Mr LEE BURNS is an officer of the Indiana Society of Architects.

During the Spanish-American war MR LEE BURNS was a private in the One Hundred and Fifty-eighth Indiana Volunteers. Mr. BURNS is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, the George Rogers Clark Memorial Commission and other organizations.


pg. 315 JAMES WITCOMB BURNS (there is also a picture of him). The legal profession of Lake County contains its full quota of brilliant members of the profession, who have devoted their lives to the law and its interpretation and have lent charm and dignity to a somewhat dry and often tiring calling. Prominent among this class is found JAMES WITCOMB BURNS, who has been engaged in a constantly growing practice at Gary for nearly two decades, and who as a lawyer and citizen has developed his abilities and activities until he has become a prominent figure for great usefulness.

JAMES WHITCOMB BURNS was born at Fremont, Sanilac County, Michigan, May 16, 1874, and is a son of MOSES & BRIDGETE (O'CONNOR) BURNS. His parents, natives of County Wexford, Ireland accompanied their respective parents to the U.S. and there grew to manhood and womanhood and were educated in the public schools of Michigan, where they were married.

For many years JAMES WHITCOMB BURNS carried on farming and stock raising in Fremont Township, Sanilac County, Michigan. He also served capably as state agent and as superintendent of the poor farm, capacities in which he showed himself capable, active and humane.

One of the foremost Republicans of his locality, JAMES WHITCOMB BURNS' home was the meeting place for governors, senators and other high officials. At times JAMES WHITCOMB BURNS was active in public and civic affairs.

JAMES WHITCOMB BURNS was a faithful member of the Roman Catholic Church. He was fond of travelling. In 1907 JAMES WHITCOMB BURNS made a trip back to his old home in Erin, making the journey with his wife.

JAMES WHITCOMB BURNS died in 1912 and was buried in the cemetery at Croswell, Michigan. His worthy wife, who followed him to the great Beyond in 1925, rests at his side.

They were the parents of seven children:

1) W. E. BURNS, a retired business man of Croswell, Michigan who died in April 1931;
2) JOHN V BURNS, deceased;
4) MOSES BURNS, who is deceased;
5) THOMAS BURNS who is deceased;
6) LAWRENCE BURNS of Detroit, Michigan

JAMES W BURNS acquired his education in the public shcools of Michigan and Illinois. He attended the township schools of Freemont Township and Bryand and Stratton's Business College. He likewise took a special course in English at Chicago and then entered the law department of Georgetown University, Washington, D. C., from which he was duly graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Laws as a member of the class of 1908. Two years later the degree of master of Laws was conferred upon him by the same institution. Admitted to the bar in Chicago in 1911, he moved to Gary in the same year and has been engaged constantly in practice of the highest and best kind, having been admitted to the Supreme Court in 1913. He belongs to the American Bar Assoc., the Indiana State Bar Assoc., the District Bar Assoc. and the Gary Bar Assoc. He is accounted one of the most learned, alert and shrewd lawyers engaged in general practice at Gary, where he was well-appointed and commodious offices at 738 Broadway.

JAMES W BURNS' practice has carried him into all the courts, in which he has been identified with some very important litigation.

A leading member of the Knights of Columbus, JAMES W BURNS is president of the Knights of Columbus Noonday Club, and likewise belongs to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the Loyal Order of Moose, the Harrison Republican Club, the Kiwanis Club and the Press Club of Lake County. His religious affiliation is with Holy Angels Catholic Church. Mr BURNS is single. He is active in civic affairs and was deputy prosecuting attorney for 4 years from 1916 to 1920. He was assistant city attorney for five years under Mayor R. O. JOHNSON's second and third terms, and in 1920 was originally a candidate for the office of prosecuting attorney, but withdrew from the race.

During the World War(II) JAMES W BURNS was active in all the drives, Red Cross, Liberty, etc. and did his full duty as a patriotic citizen.

GOLD STAR HONOR ROLL 1914-1918, Indiana World War Records Fulton County

pg. 190 BURNS, ERNEST V., Fireman, USN Son of ISAAC R. & RHODA BURNS; born in 1898 (exact date not given), Grasscreek, Fulton County, IN. Entered U.S. Navy, July 14, 1918, and was sent to the Great Lakes Naval Training Station, Chicago, IL. While serving as fireman on the U.S.S. Delaware, he was accidentally killed by coal falling upon him, October 16, 1918. Buried at Grasscreek, Fulton County, IN

Parke County pg. 491 BURNS, FOREST N - Sergeant Son of WESTIN H & EMMA BURNS (deceased); born January 7, 1898, Rockville, IN. FOREST N BURNS spent his childhood in a State Orphanage, Laborer. Enlisted in U.S. Regular Army February 23, 1917, Terre Haute, IN. He was sent to Jefferson Barracks, MO, assigned to Company M, 9th Infantry. Saw service on the Mexican Border. He transferred to Company M, 47th Infantry. They embarked May 10, 1918. He participated in battle Northwest of Verdum. He was killed in action September 28, 1918. Place of burial unknown.

Marion County - pg. 380 BURNS, FRANKLIN T - Private Son of WILLIAM PATRIC & JUENIE E. BURNS; born November 12, 1899, Franklin, IN. Moved to Indianapolis in 1911. Employee of Fertig- Kevers Company. Enlisted in U.S. Regular Army February 22, 1917, Indianapolis, IN. Sent to Columbus Barracks, Ohio; transferred to Ft. Terry, N.J. Assigned to headquarters Company, 16th Field Aratiller, 4th division. Overseas may 10, 1918. Died from wounds September 30, 1918 received in Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Septsarges, France. Burial place not given.

Marion County - pg. 380 BURNS, JOHN VERNON - Private Son of EDWIN A. (deceased) and ELLA M. BURNS; born November 21, 1892, Lafayette, IN. Moved to Indianapolis 1904. Bookkeeper. Entered service in August, 1917, Ft. Benjamin Harrison, IN. Assigned to Aviation Corps. Trained at Wright Field and McCooks Field, Ohio; and Kelly Filed, TX. Sent to Carlstrom Field, FL where he served as an Instructor. Killed in aeroplane accident March 24, 1919, Carlstrom Field, FL. Buried in Holy Cross Cemetery, Indianapolis, IN

Marion County - pg 380 BURNS, PAUL ELLIS - Corporal Son of WALTER L. and NORA ELLIS BURNS, born October 13, 1895, Brownsburg, Hendricks County, IN. Moved to Indianapolis in 1899. Assistant Manager United Press, Indianapolis. Enlisted in U.S. Regular Army May 31, 1917, Ft. Benjamin Harrison, IN; assigned to Battery E, 150th Field Artillery, 42nd (Rainbow) Division. Sent to Camp Mills, NY. Sailed October 18, 1917. Killed accidentally July 24, 1918, Brie Conte Robert, France. Buried in Brie Conte Robert Cemetery, France.

Marion County - pg. 380 BURNS, VICTOR LAWSON - Sergeant Son of WALTER L & NORA ELLIS BURNS, born February 18, 1893, Brownsburg, Hendricks County, IN. Moved to Indianapolis in 1899. Clerk. Enlisted in Missouri National Guard , Company D, 138th Infantry, June 25, 1917, St. Louis, MO. Trained at Camp Maxwell, MO; Ft. Sill, OK and Camp Mills, NY. Embarked May 3, 1918; assigned to Thirty-fifth Division. Died October 8, 1918, Base Hospital No. 20 from wounds received in battle of Argonne Forest. Buried in Cemetery at Chatel Guyon, France.

Lake County - page 317 BURNS, HAROLD WALTON - 1st Lieutenant Son of GEORGE FORD (deceased) and EVA BURNS (GODWIN); born March 13, 1896, London, Canada. Moved to Gary, IN in 1909. Student, Cornell University, when he entered First Officer's Training Camp, Ft. BENJAMIN HARRISON, IN, may 1917. Transferred to Ft. Monroe, VA; assigned to Coast Artillery. Overseas in September 1918. Died from wounds November 2, 1918, Bordeaux, France. Awarded (posthumously) Distinguished Service Cross, Croix-de-Guerre with two Palms, Legion of Honor medal. Body returned and buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, GARY, IN.

Laporte County - pg. 342 BURNS, JOHN WILLIAM - Sergeant Son of Mrs. CARRIE BURNS (SPAHN) born November 11, 1890, West Branch, MI. Employed in the advance Rumley factory, Laporte, IN when he enlisted in U.S. Regular Army, December 11, 1917, Laporte, IN. Sent to Ft. Benjamin Harrison, IN. Embarked for overseas May 19, 1918, with Company B, 103rd Ammunition Train, Headquarters Troop, 28th Division. Killed in motorcycle accident December 31, 1918, Bad Bertrich, Von Ostin, Germany.

Newton County - pg. 469 BURNS, RALPH VAN DOREN - Corporal Son of LOUIS & HULDAH BURNS; born December 20, 1894, Kentland, IN. Teacher. Educated in the State Normal, Hays, Kansas; teaching school near this place at time of enlistment early in 1917. Sent to El Paso, TX; assigned to Company I, 16th Infantry. Embarked June 9, 1917. Severely wounded at Soissons in July 1918. Killed in action in the Argonne Forest, October 4, 1918. Buried in Argonne-American Cemetery, Romague, France.

Morgan County - pg. 469 BURNS, ROBERT - Mooresville, IN. Private, U.S. Marine Corps. Killed in action (date and place unknown)

White County - pg. 712 BURNS, TROSSY VERNON - Private Son of DELL & MARTHA BURNS; born October 27, 1893, near Francesville, Pulaski County, IN. Dredgeman. Entered service July 23, 1918, Monon, IN. Sent to Camp Taylor, KY; assigned to 11th Company, 3rd Training Battalion, 159th Depot Brigade; transferred to Battery A, 4th Battalion, Field Artillery Replacement Draft. Died of pneumonia October 14, 1918, Camp Taylor, KY Buried at Monon, IN. Survived by widow, NELLIE ROUSH BURNS, Lafayette, IN

Decatur County - pg. 120 DENNISON, PLEASANT W. - Carpenters Mate, 1st Class Son of GILBERT & SARAH DENNISON; born August 14, 1888 Hope, Bartholomew County, IN. Entered U.S. Navy December 9, 1917. Sent to Pensacola, FL; assigned to duty as Carpenters mate, 1st Class. Served in France several months during summer of 1918. Died of tubercular meningitis, Brooklyn, NY April 1, 1919. Buried in Ogden Cemetery, St. Paul, IN. Survived by widow, LENA BAILY DENNISON and on child, RICHARD DENNISON, St. Paul, IN.

This book also has a small picture of all the individuals except for ROBERT BURNS.


RAY L. BURNS - Prominent as a banker of southern Indiana. RAY L. BURNS, executive vice president of the Citizens State Bank of Petersburg, was born at Brazil, January 29, 1894, son of JAMES L BURNS & CORDELIA (JENKINS) BURNS. JAMES L BURNS, a son of THOMAS BURNS is chairman of the board of the Farmers and Merchants Bank at Clay City.

The eldest of four children, RAY L BURNS was educated in the grade schools and the high school of Brazil, graduating from the latter in 1913. After attending Butler College, he entered De Pauw University, graduating in 1917, in time to enter the Medical Corps of the United States Army in World War I. He served from July 18, 1917 to July of 1919, being stationed most of the two years at the hospital center at Mesves, France. On returning home, he entered the banking professions, starting August 1, 1919, at the bottom of the ladder as a bookkeeper in the Farmers and Merchants Bank at Clay City, later becoming the cashier and a director of the bank. In June of 1933 he resigned to enter the Indiana State Department of Financial Institutions, serving as a special representative in liquidation in Clinton County. In April of 1937, he resigned from this position to become cashier of the Citizens Bank at Elwood, remaining there until May 24, 1940, when he came to the Citizens State Bank at Petersburg as cashier, a position which he held until elected vice president April 21, 1952. A member of the Indiana State Bankers Assoc. and the American Bankers Assoc. he is a member of the Masonic fraternity and belongs to the Order of Red Men, The American legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Forty and Eight, and is a member and past president of the Petersburg Kiwanis Club as well as a member of the Board of Stewards of the Petersburg Methodist Church and chairman of the church pastoral relations committee.

RAY L BURNS married EUGENIA PICKETT of Bainbridge, a student of De Pauw University, who died in 1926. RAY L BURNS married again, LELIA PICKETT sister of his first wife. By his first marriage, RAY L BURNS became the parent of two children; CHARLOTTE JEAN BURNS, who was born in Clay City and who married EDWARD M BOGGESS of Elwood. They are the parents of three children.

JAMES MILTON BOGGESS who was born at Coal City and educated in the grammar and high schools of Elwood. He subsequently attended the Manhattan School of Music at New York City, where he graduated with the degrees of Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts. JAMES MILTON BOGGESS married EVELYN T CARUSO of New York City, and they are the parents of one child, a son.

By his second marriage, RAY L BURNS became the parent of two sons: ROBERT LELAND BURNS, who died December 26, 1932 and CHARLES DUDLEY BURNS who was born in 1933 and is presently a student in the Indiana State Teachers College, majoring in public school music. (There is more but mainly about the bank).

HISTORY OF ADAMS COUNTY, INDIANA pg. 128 under the Medical Profession is an article:

Around 1917 the physicians practicing in Decatur were and it lists names. The next paragraph reads: Since that time other practicing physicians were C.T. RAINIER, D.G.M. TROUT, S. HOFFMAN, JAMES M. MILLER, W.E. SMITH, BENJAMIN F BEAVERS, ELIZABETH BURNS and others.

The index also lists other BURNS but I believe the index is wrong because when I look on those pages I can't find a BURNS listed.

In the HISTORY OF KENTUCKY Vol. 5 pg. 602 is a biography of FRANK BURNS who was born in TN.

Also, in my Ohio Source Records there are a few BURNS' listed.


FONCANNON, JAMES F., died: June 23, 1935, born: Dec. 20, 1863, int: June 25, 1935, cem: Fairview, age: 71y 6m 3d, occ: retired, married, bp: Bluffton, last residence: 118 E. South St., resided in state: life, wife: MINTA BURNS, father: SAMUEL FONCANNON, birth place: OH, mother: SARAH KIELEY, birth place: PA.

>From "Marriage Records, Wells Co., IN 1899-1974" V. 1-6

gr. DEATON, JOHN J. (1) age. Jan. 26, 1929 f. EDWARD DEATON m. MARTHA MORRIS br.ADA BURNS age. 08-30-1932 f. GREEN BURNS m. MARIE A HOUSE d. 12-13-1952 by JOHN B BOYER, J. P. (pg. 276)

gr. MULVIHILL, L. G. age. 28 f. JAMES MULVIHILL m. CATHERINE HAYES br. ANNA M BURNS age. 28 f. JOSEPH BURNS m. ANNA MCCAFFERY d. 01-17-1917 by Rev. JOHN KELLER (pg. 865)

gr. DENNISON, ROBERT age. 29 f. JOHN D DENNISON m. T. GARTON br. ELIZABETH BURNS age. 26 f. JOSEPH BURNS m. ANNA MCCAFFERY d. 11-22-1913 by Rev. P. A. WELSH (pg. 282)

gr. McMAHAN, BERT C. age. 29 f. ROBERT MCMAHAN m. MARTHA WHITE br. CLARA A BURNS age. 27 f. JAMES BURNS m. INA SHAFER d. 08-08-1903 by Rev. C. G. MILLER (pg. 765)

gr. ROSER, CHARLES age. 27 f. DAVID ROSER m. ROSE GRANDSTAFF br. LILLIAN BURNS age. 19 f. JOHN BURNS m. NELLIE WYSONG d. 06-26-1923 by M.W. WALBERT, J. P. (pg. 1031)

There were also 6 other Burns women:

MARY E BURNS is a daughter of BRITTON BURNS. SHIRLEY G. BURNS is a daughter of IVAN BURNS. More on these last Burns women in this book.

gr. BURNS, CHRISTOPHER age. 25 f. EMORY BURNS m. MARY G. br. HAZEL E WAGNER age. 25 f. GEORGE WAGNER m. ESTHER FRANTZ d. 10-07-1911 by Rev. C. B. DAUGHUTZ (pg. 166)

gr. BURNS, RICHARD A. age. 12-07-1925 f. PATRICK BURNS m. CLARE GREENFIELD br. MARY LOU ORR age. 08-02-1935 f. HOMER G ORR m. OLLIE EDEN d. 05-28-1960 by Rev. ROBERT O DEAN (pg. 166)


I received some catalogs today and in Family History Catalog No. 16 there is a Burns Family History, by J. Montgomery Seaver, 32p, $6.50. This catalog comes from Higginson Books which reprints genealogy and American Local & County Histories, Reference Books and Research Aids. If you are interested their address is:

Higginson Book Company, 148 Washington St., P.O. Box 778, Salem, MA 01970, (978) 745-7170, fax (978) 745-8025, e-mail:

I have used this company to reprint the Portrait & Biographical Records of Delaware and Randolph Counties, IN 1897 since I could not find a book to purchase. It is a duplicate of the original but printed on acid free paper, the only drawback is the quality of the pictures is not nearly as good.

IN Broderbund World Family Tree CDs: MORTALITY INDEX-UNITED STATES 1850-1880 there is a slew of BURNS listed. MARRIAGE INDEX: IL, IN, KY, OH, TN there are also lots of BURNS listed. CENSUS INDEX: US SELECTED STATES/COUNTIES 1860 there are THOMAS BURNS in AR, CA, CT, DC, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MN, MS, NC, NJ, NY, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, VT, WI, WV for the years 1850 & 1860. OHIO VITAL RECORDS #1, 1790-1870'S - has BURNS, THOMAS, Jefferson Co., OH, Section-Gateway to the West, Vol 1 page 679 and BURNS, THOMAS P., Warren Co., Section-Gateway to the West, Vol 11, page 657.

In the mortality index I found:
BURNS, MICHAEL age 55, born IR, died typhoid fever, occupation-bus driver, died New Haven Co., CT 1870
BURNS, MICHAEL age 59, born IR, died bronchitis, occupation-laborer, died New Haven Co., CT 1879
BURNS, MICHAEL, age 30, born IR, died consumption, occupation-laborer, died Luzerne Co., PA 1870

>From "Wells County, Indiana Obituaries 1969-1975" by INGABEE BRINEMAN Minniear.

"BURNS, MRS. FANNIE (WICKLIFFE), 92, of Ossian, Ind. died Saturday. She was a former of Fort Wayne and a member of Faith United Methodist Church. Surviving are her husband, WILLIAM BURNS; two daughters, Mrs. NOVELLA (BURNS) PAPE and Mrs. AGATHA (BURNS) CHANEY, both of Fort Wayne; a son, FRED KRAUTER of Fort Wayne; two sisters, Mrs. LEO SYMONDS, Fort Wayne, and Mrs. LULU KING of Yoder; a brother WILLIAM WICKLIFFE of Fort Wayne, seven grandchildren, 25 great grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren. (Feb 5, 1972)."

"BURNS, MRS. IDA BELLE (CARTER), 82, of Hartford City, Ind. died Thursday at the Davis Nursing Home. Born in Jackson Twp., she was a daughter of FRANK & MARY BOOHER CARTER. She married JOHN BURNS, who preceded her in death. She was a member of the EUB Church. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. INEZ (CARTER) KING of Hartford City, and a niece, Mrs. MARY COSSAIRT of Hartford City. Services will be held Sunday at the Walker Funeral Home in Montpelier, burial in Wright Cemetery in Wells County, Rev. HARRY MANN officiating. (Sept. 26, 1968)."

From "Walker Funeral Home Records, Montpelier, IN 1912-1980"

BURNS, CLARA BLANCHE (GREENFIELD), Keystone, IN b. 5/16/1887 Decatur IL d. 2/14/1960 Blackford Co., IN Ser: St. Margaret's Catholic Church
Bur: Catholic Cemetery Montpelier IN
Informant: Dr. PAUL E BURNS, Montpelier, IN

BURNS, PATRICK G. (Widowed), Keystone IN b. 31 Oct. 1885, Wells Co., IN d. 21 Aug. 1964, Richmond IN
Ser: St. Margaret's Catholic Church
Bur: Catholic Cemetery Montpelier, IN
Occ: Farmer
Fa: JOSEPH BURNS b. Ireland
Informant: PAUL E BURNS, Montpelier IN

BURNS, PATRICIA JEAN b. 7/9/1951 Wells Co., IN d. 7/9/1951 Wells Co., IN
Bur: Catholic Cemetery Montpelier IN
Informant: PATRICK J BURNS South Bend IN

b. 11/23/1920 Wells Co., IN
d. 10/3/1956 Delaware Co., IN
Ser: Walker Chapel
Bur: Catholic Cemetery Montpelier IN
Occ: Drugist
Informant: CLARA BURNS Keystone IN

I am looking for GEORGE WASHINGTON BURNS who was killed by Indians on his way to Indiana going through Kentucky. His wife was expecting a baby, who she named G.W. BURNS, so she stayed in Harrison County, Kentucky in 1805 to have the baby and stay until little George was old enough to walk to Indiana. I am not sure where he moved from, or what his wife's name was. Do you know anything about this BURNS family? My great-great grandfather was JAMES JAY BURNS SR. My great-grandfather was JAMES JAY BURNS Jr. (He apparently changed the spelling.)

"Little GEORGE", born 1805, had thirteen children, six who were living when he died in 1890. They were: THOMAS BURNS, JAMES BURNS (my gg), Mrs. ELIJAH MCCASHLIN, GEORGE W BURNS (third one), SAMUEL BURNS, Mrs. MATTIE CONNER. This is according to his obituary in a newspaper in 1890. He was married to SARAH WALKER.

Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 2:42 PM

NORMA, I have check much of your website. I thought I had something but after checking the birth dates they were wrong. My WILLIAM BURNS, as near as I can tell was born about 1806-07 and married according to the census must have been about 1830's.

Their first daughter is NANCY ANN BURNS who in the 1850 census is 16. NANCY BURNS married GEORGE HOCH and they moved to Indiana for a spell. I feel there must be some connection for the young couple to go there. Was it an uncle, grandparent that caused them to live in Indiana before coming to Ohio.

I do know their daughter MISSOURI HOCH was born there (Indiana) and she married an ALVIN COOPER. I just can't seem to connect WILLIAM. WILLIAM BURNS was 43 in 1850 and MARGARET was 37, that's 6 years. One night lying in bed I realized he could have been married twice. I can't find any facts to substantiate that. If you have any suggestions please let me know and thanks.

FRANCIS MARION BURNS Francis Marion Burns, only son of Washington Burns, for many years one of the best known residents, died at his home in Union Township, near Guernsey, March 14, 1902, aged a little more than forty-eight years, having been born there October 18, 1853. He was married to Emma L. Moore, October 29, 1879, and left surviving him his widow and two children, Washington A. and Margaret O., and an only sister, Mrs. James V. Vinson.

JAMES BURNS James Burns, one of the early settlers of White County, was a son of Hugh Burns and was born near Lewistown, Pennsylvania, November 10, 1825. Died at his home south of Monticello, September 1, 1905, at the advanced age of nearly eighty years. His father moved to Montgomery County, Ohio, in 1835, and some three years later, September, 1838, started with his family to move to Springfield, Illinois. On leaving Lafayette they missed their way and drove northward to Monticello. They were so pleased with the country that they located about two miles south of town on what they called "Edge Hill" farm, their log house standing on the hill on the west side of the road, a short distance south of the McKain stone barn. Here his father died in 1842 and his mother in 1852. In 1865 he was married to Miss Mary Jane Burns, daughter of John Burns. She died in August, 1877, leaving three sons, Samuel, Edward and Bert. In 1880 he was married to Miss Susan Ferry, who with four children, Mae, Pearl, Earl and Sadie, are still living.

JANE BURNS Jane Burns was the widow of John Burns, a large land owner and well known resident of Big Creek Township. Her maiden name was Jane Virden, she being a sister of Silas, Samuel and David Virden, all well known residents and all of whom died within the three years preceding her death. She also had two brothers who died in California during the gold craze of 1849. She was born in Pickaway County, Ohio, October 17, 1825. Died November 23, 1897.

JOHN BURNS John Burns, one of the most successful of our early farmers, was born in Pickaway County, Ohio, January 4, 1809, and came to what is now White County in 1830 and resided on his farm in what is now Big Creek Township until his death, which occurred on December 26, 1884. Beginning life in a log cabin, by industry and frugality he amassed a fortune and what is far better he left this life with the respect of his neighbors, who knew him as one of our best and most honored citizens.

LIBERTY M. BURNS Maj. Liberty M. Burns came to White County in 1839. He was born in Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, June 5, 1810, and died in Monticello, March 27, 1879. In 1849 he crossed the plains to California in the search for gold. In 1843 he united with the Presbyterian Church at Monticello and retained his membership therein until his death. In November, 1837, he was joined in marriage with Miss Amanda Grigga of Preble County, Ohio, and to this union was born two children, a son and a daughter.

SAMUEL MAC BURNS Many of the best honors of pioneer activity belong to the Burns family, which has been identified with White County continuously for over eight decades. S. M. Burns represents the third generation in this county, and has for many years been successfully engaged in farming and other enterprises in Big Creek Township.

Samuel Mac Burns was born December 1, 1863, in Big Creek Township, and the fine farm which he now occupies as his residence, 4½ miles east of Chalmers, was formerly the estate of his father. John Burns, the paternal grandfather, came into White County about 1830 from Pickaway County, Ohio. He brought with him his wife and his six children were all born in White County. It is generally supposed that William Burns, father of S. M. Burns, was the first white male child native of White County. John Burns, the grandfather, settled in the midst of the woods and on the overflowed marshes in Big Creek Township. He had come from Ohio in a wagon drawn by horses, and the wagon contained his wife and household furniture. He landed at what is now known as the B. B. Baker farm, and his worldy [sic] possessions were represented by his team and his furniture. Until he could get assistance to build a log cabin he camped out and he and his wife lived in the wagon. A brief experience in the midst of the wilds of White County, with few neighbors, was almost sufficient to discourage the stoutest heart and it is not strange that John Burns repented of his coming and would have returned to Pickaway County except for the fact he had no money and practically out of necessity was compelled to remain. He had entered 160 acres of land, and making the best of what he considered a bad bargain he started energetically to work to improve the land and make a home in the wilderness. Prosperity smiled upon his efforts, and his surplus capital was again and again invested in more land until at the end of his life he was the possessor of more than 1,100 acres. A large part of that estate had been brought under cultivation by his own efforts and under his management, and the accounts of early settlement show few men who equalled him in contributing to the substantial development of this county. The greater part of the 160 acres he originally entered was in timber, while the rest of it was exceedingly wet during the greater part of the year. The low portions of the land he drained by open ditches. The old log house was eventually replaced by a substantial frame house, surrounded by barns and those buildings are still in existence. He subsequently built another house and lived there until his death. His wife had passed away several years previously. Her maiden name was Malinda Ferguson, who was probably born in Ohio, where she was married.

William Burns, father of Samuel Mac Burns, was born in White County, April 23, 1831, and spent all his long life in the same community. His death occurred within one mile of his birthplace. He grew up on the old homestead, learned to work as one of his first experiences, and had only a meager education from such schools as were conducted when he was a boy. He often recalled the many interesting facts concerning the pioneer experiences of the family. In the early days the grain raised by the hardest kind of labor on the land was taken to market over rough roads to Chicago, and there sold at a price which would buy only the barest necessities of the household, which according to present day standards would not have been sufficient to reward the work necessary to plant, harvest and market the grain. William Burns married Etna M. McIntire, who was born in Champaign County, Ohio, and moving to Indiana first located in Tippecanoe County, and thence came to White County. The parents are both now deceased, their deaths occurring only three days apart, the mother dying March 19, 1913, and the father March 21, 1913. They were buried side by side in Riverview Cemetery, where beautiful stones are erected sacred to their memory. Mrs. Burns was born November 19, 1828, and died at the age of eighty-four years four months. She lost her mother when two years of age, and she and her twin brother, Daniel D., then returned to Ohio and lived with their grandparents until she was twenty-one years of age. Her brother subsequently enlisted in the Union army in Captain Bowman's company of an Indiana regiment, and was killed in battle at Richmond, Kentucky. Mrs. Burns finally returned with her brother from Ohio to White County and they lived on the farm of John Burns until her marriage. William Burns died March 27, 1913, at the age of eighty-one years ten months and twenty-nine days. He and his wife were married October 24, 1860. Mary Etta Burns, a sister of S. M. Burns, married W. E. Brown, of Urbana, Ohio, and she is the mother of two daughters, Lucy B. and Christine E.

S. M. Burns grew up in Big Creek Township, attended the local schools there, and has applied himself since coming to manhood to his business as a farmer, with such success as to place him among the successful men of the county. He married Miss Martha Clagett, daughter of William Clagett, who was from Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Burns became the parents of three children: William C., born May 23, 1895; Sarah Etta, born June 7, 1902; and one that died in infancy.

Mr. Burns, as was the case with his father and grandfather, has always been steadily a republican, and his fellow citizens always know that he takes a firm stand for justice and morality, education, and social improvement in his community. He is a member of the Maccabees Order. The homestead of Mr. and Mrs. Burns is called "The Hillside Farm."

WASHINGTON BURNS Washington Burns was born in Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, March 25, 1820, and at the age of seventeen came with his parents to Montgomery County, Ohio, and in 1847 was married to Martha J. DeLong. In 1848 he came to White County, where he lived until his death on March 12, 1895. He was a soldier in the Civil war, but was not a member of any church, though in 1892 at his request he was baptized in the Methodist Protestant Church. He was a kind and indulgent father and one who never complained in any of his sufferings.

WILLIAM BURNS This name will be recognized by the oldest resident of Monticello. It carries us back to about 1846. He was born in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, January 22, 1802, but became a resident of White County about sixty-five years ago. He will be remembered as the keeper of the old toll bridge across the Tippecanoe River and later as mail carrier, for several years serving faithfully in both capacities. He died after a brief illness, September 5, 1895. He came to White County in 1846, which was ever after his home. In 1858 he became a member of the United Presbyterian Church at Idaville and remained to the last a consistent member. In 1871 he removed to Idaville and spent much of his time in reading the Scriptures, in which he was well versed. His wife died about 1863, but one daughter, Mrs. Mary Horine, is yet living in Idaville.

The webmaster of this site is Norma Burns Farmilo now at